ActiveMq -Rejecting received message_JAVA_编程开发_程序员俱乐部

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ActiveMq -Rejecting received message

 2014/10/9 18:52:01  quentinXXZ  程序员俱乐部  我要评论(0)
  • 摘要:链接地址在stop操作,停止接收时,出现如下提示:2014-09-2320:26:23,233WARN[ActiveMQSessionTask-1](
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? ??



? ? ActiveMq在stop操作,停止接收时,出现如下提示:

2014-09-23 20:26:23,233 ?WARN [ActiveMQ Session Task-1] ( - Rejecting received message because of the listener container having been stopped in the meantime: ActiveMQTextMessage ....

? ? ?我开始怀疑是否存在消息丢失。

? ? ?经查询,做如下修改,将acceptMessageWhileStopping从false改为true就不再出现上述提示。对应的方法名为setAcceptMessagesWhileStop()



Set whether to accept received messages while the listener container in the process of stopping.

Default is "false", rejecting such messages through aborting the receive attempt. Switch this flag on to fully process such messages even in the stopping phase, with the drawback that even newly sent messages might still get processed (if coming in before all receive timeouts have expired).

NOTE:?Aborting receive attempts for such incoming messages might lead to the provider's retry count decreasing for the affected messages. If you have a high number of concurrent consumers, make sure that the number of retries is higher than the number of consumers, to be on the safe side for all potential stopping scenarios.






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