版权 ? 2014?
我的系列文档 Netkiller Architect 手札 Netkiller Developer 手札 Netkiller PHP 手札 Netkiller Python 手札 Netkiller Testing 手札 Netkiller Cryptography 手札 Netkiller Linux 手札 Netkiller Debian 手札 Netkiller CentOS 手札 Netkiller FreeBSD 手札 Netkiller Shell 手札 Netkiller Security 手札 Netkiller Web 手札 Netkiller Monitoring 手札 Netkiller Storage 手札 Netkiller Mail 手札 Netkiller Docbook 手札 Netkiller Version 手札 Netkiller Database 手札 Netkiller PostgreSQL 手札 Netkiller MySQL 手札 Netkiller NoSQL 手札 Netkiller LDAP 手札 Netkiller Network 手札 Netkiller Cisco IOS 手札 Netkiller H3C 手札 Netkiller Multimedia 手札 Netkiller Perl 手札 Netkiller Amateur Radio 手札 Netkiller DevOps 手札守护进程是脱离于终端并且在后台运行的进程。守护进程脱离于终端是为了避免进程在执行过程中的信息在任何终端上显示并且进程也不会被任何终端所产生的终端信息所打断。
例如 apache, nginx, mysql 都是守护进程
很多程序以服务形式存在,他没有终端或UI交互,它可能采用其他方式与其他程序交互,如TCP/UDP Socket, UNIX Socket, fifo。程序一旦启动便进入后台,直到满足条件他便开始处理任务。
以我当前的需求为例,我需要运行一个程序,然后监听某端口,持续接受服务端发起的数据,然后对数据分析处理,再将结果写入到数据库中; 我采用ZeroMQ实现数据收发。
<?php class ExampleWorker extends Worker { #public function __construct(Logging $logger) { # $this->logger = $logger; #} #protected $logger; protected static $dbh; public function __construct() { } public function run(){ $dbhost = ''; // 数据库服务器 $dbport = 3306; $dbuser = 'www'; // 数据库用户名 $dbpass = 'qwer123'; // 数据库密码 $dbname = 'example'; // 数据库名 self::$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$dbhost;port=$dbport;dbname=$dbname", $dbuser, $dbpass, array( /* PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES \'UTF8\'', */ PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_COMPRESS => true, PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true ) ); } protected function getInstance(){ return self::$dbh; } } /* the collectable class implements machinery for Pool::collect */ class Fee extends Stackable { public function __construct($msg) { $trades = explode(",", $msg); $this->data = $trades; print_r($trades); } public function run() { #$this->worker->logger->log("%s executing in Thread #%lu", __CLASS__, $this->worker->getThreadId() ); try { $dbh = $this->worker->getInstance(); $insert = "INSERT INTO fee(ticket, login, volume, `status`) VALUES(:ticket, :login, :volume,'N')"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($insert); $sth->bindValue(':ticket', $this->data[0]); $sth->bindValue(':login', $this->data[1]); $sth->bindValue(':volume', $this->data[2]); $sth->execute(); $sth = null; /* ...... */ $update = "UPDATE fee SET `status` = 'Y' WHERE ticket = :ticket and `status` = 'N'"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($update); $sth->bindValue(':ticket', $this->data[0]); $sth->execute(); //echo $sth->queryString; //$dbh = null; } catch(PDOException $e) { $error = sprintf("%s,%s\n", $mobile, $id ); file_put_contents("mobile_error.log", $error, FILE_APPEND); } } } class Example { /* config */ const LISTEN = "tcp://"; const MAXCONN = 100; const pidfile = __CLASS__; const uid = 80; const gid = 80; protected $pool = NULL; protected $zmq = NULL; public function __construct() { $this->pidfile = '/var/run/'.self::pidfile.'.pid'; } private function daemon(){ if (file_exists($this->pidfile)) { echo "The file $this->pidfile exists.\n"; exit(); } $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { die('could not fork'); } else if ($pid) { // we are the parent //pcntl_wait($status); //Protect against Zombie children exit($pid); } else { // we are the child file_put_contents($this->pidfile, getmypid()); posix_setuid(self::uid); posix_setgid(self::gid); return(getmypid()); } } private function start(){ $pid = $this->daemon(); $this->pool = new Pool(self::MAXCONN, \ExampleWorker::class, []); $this->zmq = new ZMQSocket(new ZMQContext(), ZMQ::SOCKET_REP); $this->zmq->bind(self::LISTEN); /* Loop receiving and echoing back */ while ($message = $this->zmq->recv()) { //print_r($message); //if($trades){ $this->pool->submit(new Fee($message)); $this->zmq->send('TRUE'); //}else{ // $this->zmq->send('FALSE'); //} } $pool->shutdown(); } private function stop(){ if (file_exists($this->pidfile)) { $pid = file_get_contents($this->pidfile); posix_kill($pid, 9); unlink($this->pidfile); } } private function help($proc){ printf("%s start | stop | help \n", $proc); } public function main($argv){ if(count($argv) < 2){ printf("please input help parameter\n"); exit(); } if($argv[1] === 'stop'){ $this->stop(); }else if($argv[1] === 'start'){ $this->start(); }else{ $this->help($argv[0]); } } } $cgse = new Example(); $cgse->main($argv);
private function daemon(){ if (file_exists($this->pidfile)) { echo "The file $this->pidfile exists.\n"; exit(); } $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { die('could not fork'); } else if ($pid) { // we are the parent //pcntl_wait($status); //Protect against Zombie children exit($pid); } else { // we are the child file_put_contents($this->pidfile, getmypid()); posix_setuid(self::uid); posix_setgid(self::gid); return(getmypid()); } }
程序停止,只需读取pid文件,然后调用posix_kill($pid, 9); 最后将该文件删除。
private function stop(){ if (file_exists($this->pidfile)) { $pid = file_get_contents($this->pidfile); posix_kill($pid, 9); unlink($this->pidfile); } }