class="code">class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string dic = "abcdef"; int len = 3; int top_last_N = 5; IGenerator g = new Generator1(); var result = g.Generate(dic, len) ?? new List<string>(); Console.WriteLine("{0} strings generated:", result.Count); PrintTheResult(top_last_N, result); Console.ReadKey(); } private static void PrintTheResult(int top_last_N, List<string> result) { if (result.Count > top_last_N * 2) { for (int i = 0;i < top_last_N;i++) { Console.WriteLine(result[i]); } Console.WriteLine("......"); for (int i = result.Count - top_last_N;i < result.Count;i++) { Console.WriteLine(result[i]); } } else { foreach (var s in result) { Console.WriteLine(s); } } } } interface IGenerator { List<string> Generate(string dic, int length); } class Generator1 : IGenerator { public List<string> Generate(string dic, int length) { // we should implement this method throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
举个例子,比如:字典为[a,b,c],指定长度为 2,则生成的所有字符串应当为:
class Generator1 : IGenerator { public List<string> Generate(string dic, int length) { // since we deal with the "length" as a constant parameter, so we leave it alone. var result = new List<string>(); foreach (var x in dic) { foreach (var y in dic) { foreach (var z in dic) { result.Add(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", x, y, z)); } } } return result; } }
对于上文中的 Generate 方法,我们需要根据参数来确定循环的次数,那么我们定义一个方法专门来做循环,然后根据参数的值来运行若干次。
class Generator2LoopSegments : IGenerator { public List<string> Generate(string dic, int length) { List<string> result = null; for (int i = 0;i <= length;i++) { result = Loop(dic, result); } return result; } private List<string> Loop(string dic, List<string> seed) { var result = new List<string>(); if (seed == null || seed.Count == 0) { // for the first time, we just choose one char only to fill full into the List. // result.AddRange(from c in dic select c.ToString()); result.Add(string.Empty); } else { for (int i = 0;i < seed.Count;i++) { foreach (var c in dic) { result.Add(string.Format("{0}{1}", seed[i], c)); } } } return result; } public override string ToString() { return "Loop segments"; } }
好了,完美无瑕,实现了命题中要求的排列组合!不过,等等,咦,怎么当我 length 设为 5 的时候,竟然抛出 OutOfMemoryException 的异常了?内存占用很高啊!嗯,是不是因为编译成了 32 位程序的原因?改成 64 位试试?哈,行了,不过内存竟然占用了 3G!
编译为32位程序,在64位Win7系统中运行,当内存占用接近2G时,程序即抛出 OutOfMemoryException 的异常,直接表现为无法创建字符串或无法向集合添加新项。
运行是能运行了,不过时间上貌似不尽人意,运行太久了,是不是还能有提高呢?怎么办呢?这里使用了大量字符串,对字符串的操作也非常多,要不咱不使用字符串,直接使用 char* 试试?
思路和上面的解决方案一致,只是对上面字符串相关的操作进行了修改,使用不安全代码 unsafe 。
class Generator2LoopSegmentsUnsafe : IGenerator { public unsafe List<string> Generate(string dic, int length) { char*[] result = null; for (int i = 0;i < length;i++) { result = Loop(dic, result); } var list = new List<string>(); if (result != null) { foreach (var p in result) { var aa = new String(p); list.Add(aa); } } return list; } private unsafe char*[] Loop(string dic, char*[] seed) { char*[] result = null; if (seed == null || seed.Length == 0) { result = new char*[dic.Length]; // for the first time, we just choose one char only to fill full into the List. for (int i = 0;i < dic.Length;i++) { IntPtr p = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(char)); result[i] = (char*)p.ToPointer(); *result[i] = dic[i]; // string will/should be end with the char '\0'. *(result[i] + 1) = '\0'; } } else { result = new char*[seed.Length * dic.Length]; int n = 0; for (int i = 0;i < seed.Length;i++) { foreach (var c in dic) { IntPtr p = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(char)); result[n] = (char*)p.ToPointer(); *(result[n]) = *seed[i]; int j = 0; // string will/should be end with the char '\0'. while (*(seed[i] + ++j) != '\0') { *(result[n] + j) = *(seed[i] + j); } *(result[n] + j) = c; // string will/should be end with the char '\0'. *(result[n] + j + 1) = '\0'; n++; } } } return result; } public override string ToString() { return "Loop segments(unsafe)"; } }
OK,从结果来看和上一个版本一致,不过时间和内存占用都不一样了!时间上少了很多,内存占用貌似不减反增,我猜想应当是因为 framework 中对字符串的处理比我手写得高端大气上档次一些吧……
比如 [0,1],长度 3,这将得到:000,001,010,011,100,101,110,111
比如 [0-9],长度 2,这将得到:00,01,02,03,04,…,97,98,99
嗯,我们再看看,比如字典为 [0-9A-F],长度 2,这将得到:00,01,02,...,09,0A,0B,...,0F,10,11,...,1A,1B,...,1F,20,21,...,FD,FE,FF
嗯,好办法,继续看,当字典为任意字符集的时候,可以吗?答案当然是可以的。[0-9A-F] 是十六进制,那 [0-9A-Z] 则自然是36进制!
class Generator3LoopAsNumbers : IGenerator { public List<string> Generate(string dic, int length) { var fromBase = dic.Length; int min = 0, max = 0; if (fromBase > 1) { max = (int)Math.Pow(fromBase, length) - 1; } else { max = min; } //Console.WriteLine("min = {0}, max = {1}", min, max); var result = new List<string>(); for (var current = min;current <= max;current++) { var tmp = ""; for (var j = length - 1;j >= 0;j--) { var last = (int)(current % Math.Pow(fromBase, j + 1) / Math.Pow(fromBase, j)); tmp += dic[last]; } result.Add(tmp); } return result; } public override string ToString() { return "Loop as numbers"; } }
class Generator4GenerateNumbers : IGenerator { public List<string> Generate(string dic, int length) { var result = new List<string>(); string seed = new string(dic[0], length); result.Add(seed); while (GetNext(ref seed, seed.Length - 1, dic)) { result.Add(seed); } return result; } private bool GetNext(ref string seed, int idx, string dic) { if (idx < 0 || idx >= seed.Length) return false; char c = seed[idx]; if (dic.IndexOf(c) < dic.Length - 1) { c = dic[dic.IndexOf(c) + 1]; seed = seed.Substring(0, idx) + c + seed.Substring(idx + 1, seed.Length - 1 - idx); return true; } else { c = dic[0]; seed = seed.Substring(0, idx) + c + seed.Substring(idx + 1, seed.Length - 1 - idx); return GetNext(ref seed, idx - 1, dic); } } public override string ToString() { return "Generate numbers"; } }
当然,可以从代码中看出来,我们这里的加法运算太简单了,简单到第二个因子是 1,也就是每次运算加法只是数字递增1而已。其中dic[0]表示了每位可能的最小的数,相应地,dic[dic.Length-1]表示了没位可能的最大的数。
class Generator4GenerateNumbersUnsafe : IGenerator { public List<string> Generate(string dic, int length) { var result = new List<string>(); unsafe { IntPtr p = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(char)); var seed = (char*)p.ToPointer(); int i = 0; for (;i < length;i++) { *(seed + i) = dic[0]; } *(seed + i) = '\0'; do { result.Add(new string(seed)); } while (GetNext(ref seed, length - 1, dic)); } return result; } private unsafe bool GetNext(ref char* seed, int idx, string dic) { int len = 0; for (;*(seed + len) != '\0';len++) { } if (idx < 0 || idx >= len) return false; char c = seed[idx]; if (dic.IndexOf(c) < dic.Length - 1) { c = dic[dic.IndexOf(c) + 1]; *(seed + idx) = c; return true; } else { c = dic[0]; *(seed + idx) = c; return GetNext(ref seed, idx - 1, dic); } } public override string ToString() { return "Generate numbers(unsafe)"; } }
关于 Fixed-point combinator 可以参考:
如下只是使用 Fixed-point combinator 对上一个解决方案的改写,效率更加底下,或许有提升空间……或许……
class Generator4GenerateNumbersFixedPoint : IGenerator { public List<string> Generate(string dic, int length) { var result = new List<string>(); var seed = new string(dic[0], length); while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(seed)) { result.Add(seed); seed = FixedPointCombinator( x => { if (x != null) { return (s, idx, idc) => { if (idx < 0 || idx >= s.Length) return null; char c = s[idx]; if (dic.IndexOf(c) < dic.Length - 1) { c = dic[dic.IndexOf(c) + 1]; s = s.Substring(0, idx) + c + s.Substring(idx + 1, s.Length - 1 - idx); } else { c = dic[0]; s = s.Substring(0, idx) + c + s.Substring(idx + 1, s.Length - 1 - idx); s = x(s, idx - 1, dic); } return s; }; } return null; })(seed, seed.Length - 1, dic); } return result; } private Func<string, int, string, string> FixedPointCombinator( Func<Func<string, int, string, string>, Func<string, int, string, string>> f1) { return (x, y, z) => f1(FixedPointCombinator(f1))(x, y, z); } public override string ToString() { return "Generate numbers(Fixed-Point Y)"; } }
注意,下面的代码可以编译通过,不过这……是个死循环,在构造 Fixed-Point Y 时,尤其需要注意:
private Func<string, int, string, string> Combinator_Recursive( Func<Func<string, int, string, string>, Func<string, int, string, string>> f1) { return f1(Combinator_Recursive(f1)); }
当然,Fixed-point combinator 也有 Unsafe 版本:
class Generator4GenerateNumbersFixedPointUnsafe : IGenerator { public List<string> Generate(string dic, int length) { var result = new List<string>(); unsafe { IntPtr p = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(char)); var seed = (char*)p.ToPointer(); int i = 0; for (;i < length;i++) { *(seed + i) = dic[0]; } *(seed + i) = '\0'; bool tmp = true; while (tmp) { result.Add(new string(seed)); tmp = FixedPointCombinator( x => { if (x != null) { return (s) => { int len = 0; for (;*(s.Seed + len) != '\0';len++) { } if (s.Idx < 0 || s.Idx >= len) return false; char c = s.Seed[s.Idx]; if (s.Dic.IndexOf(c) < s.Dic.Length - 1) { c = s.Dic[s.Dic.IndexOf(c) + 1]; *(s.Seed + s.Idx) = c; return true; } else { c = s.Dic[0]; *(s.Seed + s.Idx) = c; s.Idx--; return x(s); } }; } return null; })(new Args() { Seed = seed, Idx = length - 1, Dic = dic }); } } return result; } private Func<Args, bool> FixedPointCombinator( Func<Func<Args, bool>, Func<Args, bool>> f1) { return (x) => f1(FixedPointCombinator(f1))(x); } public override string ToString() { return "Generate numbers(Fixed-Point Y, unsafe)"; } private unsafe struct Args { public char* Seed; public int Idx; public string Dic; } }
方案 平均耗时(ms) 连续运行50次后的内存占用(M) 方案一:循环拼接字符串 1930 241.852 方案二:循环拼接字符串Unsafe版 813 1546.480 方案三:字符串模拟数字依次循环进行进制转换 2738 167.105 方案四:字符串模拟数字依次自增+1 1550 93.297 方案五:字符串模拟数字依次自增+1的Unsafe版 853 74.844 方案六:不动点组合子 2152 111.406 方案七:不动点组合子Unsafe版 1907 94.691从上表中可以看出:
详细分析代码可以看出,方案二为了保证生成的字符串集合的顺序,因此在每一次递归时都构造了一个新的数组,并保留了原来数组(seed),而不像方案五那样,直接在每一次循环时修改指针所指变量的值。我猜想,如果将方案二中对数组的相关操作再次进行Unsafe化,比如不为扩容而另外构造新数组,而是直接将seed扩容,那内存的占用应当会降低很多。只是Array.Resize<T>并不支持 char*,得自己写一个了~