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 2013/8/19 18:53:34    程序员俱乐部  我要评论(0)
  • 摘要:英文原文:TypeScript-Microsoft'sReplacementForJavaScript每个人心目中似乎都有一个JavaScript替代,Google甚至有两个。现在,微软也透露了它的JavaScript替代。C#之父AndersHejlsberg等人正在创造新语言TypeScript,微软已经在Apache2.0许可证下在自家的开源托管网站上发布了一个预览版本,公布了语言规格。TypeScript兼容JavaScript,可以载入JavaScript代码然后运行
  • 标签:微软 Java javascript

  英文原文:TypeScript - Microsoft's Replacement For JavaScript

  每个人心目中似乎都有一个 JavaScript 替代,Google 甚至有两个。现在,微软也透露了它的 JavaScript 替代。

  C# 之父 Anders Hejlsberg 等人正在创造新语言 TypeScript,微软已经在 Apache 2.0 许可证下在自家的开源托管网站上发布了一个预览版本,公布了语言规格。TypeScript 兼容 JavaScript,可以载入 JavaScript 代码然后运行。TypeScript 与 JavaScript 相比进步的地方包括:加入注释,让编译器理解所支持的对象和函数,编译器会移除注释,不会增加开销;增加一个完整的类结构,使之更新是传统的面向对象语言。

  A class in TypeScript (above)- and what it compiles to (below)



  Welcome to TypeScript - The TypeScript Language has an offical site, and this is it. This site does a nice job of giving the key information about the language and its uses, as well as highlighting that it is an open source project, which is cross platform. TypeScript is still causing quite a buzz in the community, here are some more of peoples initial impressions:

  • Introducing TypeScript - Rob Eisenberg
  • Why does TypeScript have to be the answer to anything? - Scott Hanselman
  • TypeScript (or the obligatory post about it) - Shawn Wildermuth
  • TypeScript project in Visual Studio 2012 - Linvi
  • Microsoft TypeScript : A quick introduction and A Love Affair Begins here. - Anoop Madhusudanan
  • Microsoft TypeScript : A Typed Superset of JavaScript &Using TypeScript in ASP.NET MVC Projects - Shiju Varghese
  • Hello TypeScript - Getting Started - Sumit Maitra
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