
您所在的位置: 程序员俱乐部 > 新闻资讯 > 最新动态 > 对Web开发人员和设计师有用的10个流程图


 2012/4/27 14:04:12    blog.jobbole.com  我要评论(0)
  • 摘要:在做决策时,流程图是一个非常有用的工具,可以对某个问题给出一步接一步的解决方案。和其他类型的图表一样,流程图有助于可视化待解决的问题,故而可以让观察者理解流程,或许也能发现瑕疵、瓶颈或者其他不明显的问题。本文收集了10个极为有帮助的流程图。1.HTML5Elementflowchart2.Doyouneedanewlogo3.Aguidetofollowingpeopleontwitter4.Soyouneedatypeface5.Freelancetofreedom6
  • 标签:Web 流程 Web开发 设计师 开发 开发人员 设计


  本文收集了 10 个极为有帮助的流程图。

  1. HTML5 Element flowchart

HTML5 Element flowchart

  2. Do you need a new logo

Do you need a new logo

  3. A guide to following people on twitter

A guide to following people on twitter

  4. So you need a typeface

So you need a typeface

  5. Freelance to freedom

Freelance to freedom

  6. A Programmers Guide to getting hired by a startup

A Programmers Guide to getting hired by a startup

  7. Website launch

Website launch

  8. Can you be a web designer?

Can you be a web designer?

  9. Should you build that website you’ve been talking about?Should you build that website you've been talking about?

  10. How to tell if a webpage sucks

How to tell if a webpage sucks

  英文原文:Kevin Liew    编译:伯乐在线 – 黄利民

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