add a sign up link to our home page_Ruby_编程开发_程序员俱乐部

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add a sign up link to our home page

 2011/9/5 8:10:30  peryt  我要评论(0)
  • 摘要:continuewiththepriorarticle,I'lltrytoaddasignuplinktoourhomepage.<%=link_to"Signupnow!",'#',:class=>"signup_buttonround"%>Remember,#meansablanklink,alinktoitself.thegeneratedhtmlwillbe:<ahref="#"class="signup_buttonround">Signupnow
  • 标签:

continue with the prior article, I'll try to add a sign up link to our home page.



<%= link_to "Sign up now!", '#', :class => "signup_button round" %>

Remember, # means a blank link, a link to itself.


?the generated html will be:


<a href="#" class="signup_button round">Sign up now!</a>




right now, the <a> tag has two classed, seperated by a space.


<a href="#" class="signup_button round">

?this is convenient for the common case of an element with two kinds of styles.



Ok, we are done with adding a sign up button.

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