#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { //=======================================常量折叠与常量传播 int a1; a1 = 1 + 1; cout << a1 << endl; //=======================================减少变量 int x1, y1, m1, n1; cin >> m1 >> n1; x1 = m1 * 2; y1 = n1 * 2; if (x1 > y1) cout <<"TRUE"<< endl; //=======================================公共表达式 int x2, y2, m2; cin >> m2 ; x2 = m2 * 2; y2 = m2 * 2; cout << x2 << y2 << endl; cin >> x2 >> y2; //=======================================复写传播 int x3, y3, a,c; cin >> a>>c; x3 = a; y3 = x3 + c; cout << x3 << y3 << endl; cin >> x3 >> y3; //=======================================剪去不可达分支(剪支优化) if (1 > 2) cout << "TRUE" << endl; //=======================================顺序语句代替分支 int a2; cin >> a2; a2 == 5 ?a2= 6 :a2= 7; cout << a2<< endl; //=======================================强度削弱 int x4, y4, a3; cin >> a3 ; x4 = a3*2; y4 = a3 / 4; cout << x4 << y4; //=======================================数学变换 int x5, y5, a4, b4; cin >> a4 >> b4; x5 = a4 * 1; y5 = a4*x5 + b4*x5; cout << x5 << y5 << endl; //=======================================代码外提 int x6, y6; cin >> x6 >> y6; while (x6 < y6 / 2) { cout << x6 << endl; x6++; } //=============================================== system("pause"); return 0; }View Code
int main() { 00335E90 push ebp 00335E91 mov ebp,esp 00335E93 sub esp,1D0h 00335E99 push ebx 00335E9A push esi 00335E9B push edi 00335E9C lea edi,[ebp-1D0h] 00335EA2 mov ecx,74h 00335EA7 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh 00335EAC rep stos dword ptr es:[edi] 00335EAE mov eax,dword ptr ds:[00340000h] 00335EB3 xor eax,ebp 00335EB5 mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax //=======================================常量折叠与常量传播 int a1; a1 = 1 + 1; 00335EB8 mov dword ptr [a1],2 cout << a1 << endl; 00335EBF mov esi,esp 00335EC1 push 3313E8h 00335EC6 mov edi,esp 00335EC8 mov eax,dword ptr [a1] 00335ECB push eax 00335ECC mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[3410A8h] 00335ED2 call dword ptr ds:[341094h] 00335ED8 cmp edi,esp 00335EDA call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) 00335EDF mov ecx,eax 00335EE1 call dword ptr ds:[341090h] 00335EE7 cmp esi,esp 00335EE9 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) //=======================================减少变量 int x1, y1, m1, n1; cin >> m1 >> n1; 00335EEE mov esi,esp 00335EF0 lea eax,[n1] 00335EF3 push eax 00335EF4 mov edi,esp 00335EF6 lea ecx,[m1] 00335EF9 push ecx 00335EFA mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[3410A4h] 00335F00 call dword ptr ds:[341100h] 00335F06 cmp edi,esp //=======================================减少变量 int x1, y1, m1, n1; cin >> m1 >> n1; 00335F08 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) 00335F0D mov ecx,eax 00335F0F call dword ptr ds:[341100h] 00335F15 cmp esi,esp 00335F17 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) x1 = m1 * 2; 00335F1C mov eax,dword ptr [m1] 00335F1F shl eax,1 00335F21 mov dword ptr [x1],eax y1 = n1 * 2; 00335F24 mov eax,dword ptr [n1] 00335F27 shl eax,1 00335F29 mov dword ptr [y1],eax if (x1 > y1) 00335F2C mov eax,dword ptr [x1] 00335F2F cmp eax,dword ptr [y1] 00335F32 jle main+0CDh (0335F5Dh) cout <<"TRUE"<< endl; 00335F34 mov esi,esp 00335F36 push 3313E8h 00335F3B push 33DC70h 00335F40 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[003410A8h] 00335F45 push eax 00335F46 call std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char> > (03312B2h) 00335F4B add esp,8 00335F4E mov ecx,eax 00335F50 call dword ptr ds:[341090h] 00335F56 cmp esi,esp 00335F58 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) //=======================================公共表达式 int x2, y2, m2; cin >> m2 ; 00335F5D mov esi,esp 00335F5F lea eax,[m2] 00335F62 push eax 00335F63 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[3410A4h] 00335F69 call dword ptr ds:[341100h] 00335F6F cmp esi,esp 00335F71 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) x2 = m2 * 2; 00335F76 mov eax,dword ptr [m2] 00335F79 shl eax,1 00335F7B mov dword ptr [x2],eax y2 = m2 * 2; 00335F7E mov eax,dword ptr [m2] 00335F81 shl eax,1 00335F83 mov dword ptr [y2],eax cout << x2 << y2 << endl; 00335F86 mov esi,esp 00335F88 push 3313E8h 00335F8D mov edi,esp 00335F8F mov eax,dword ptr [y2] 00335F92 push eax 00335F93 mov ebx,esp 00335F95 mov ecx,dword ptr [x2] 00335F98 push ecx 00335F99 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[3410A8h] 00335F9F call dword ptr ds:[341094h] 00335FA5 cmp ebx,esp 00335FA7 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) 00335FAC mov ecx,eax 00335FAE call dword ptr ds:[341094h] 00335FB4 cmp edi,esp 00335FB6 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) 00335FBB mov ecx,eax 00335FBD call dword ptr ds:[341090h] 00335FC3 cmp esi,esp 00335FC5 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) cin >> x2 >> y2; 00335FCA mov esi,esp 00335FCC lea eax,[y2] 00335FCF push eax 00335FD0 mov edi,esp 00335FD2 lea ecx,[x2] 00335FD5 push ecx 00335FD6 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[3410A4h] 00335FDC call dword ptr ds:[341100h] 00335FE2 cmp edi,esp 00335FE4 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) 00335FE9 mov ecx,eax 00335FEB call dword ptr ds:[341100h] 00335FF1 cmp esi,esp 00335FF3 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) //=======================================复写传播 int x3, y3, a,c; cin >> a>>c; 00335FF8 mov esi,esp 00335FFA lea eax,[c] 00336000 push eax 00336001 mov edi,esp 00336003 lea ecx,[a] 00336009 push ecx 0033600A mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[3410A4h] 00336010 call dword ptr ds:[341100h] 00336016 cmp edi,esp 00336018 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) 0033601D mov ecx,eax 0033601F call dword ptr ds:[341100h] 00336025 cmp esi,esp 00336027 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) x3 = a; 0033602C mov eax,dword ptr [a] 00336032 mov dword ptr [x3],eax y3 = x3 + c; 00336035 mov eax,dword ptr [x3] 00336038 add eax,dword ptr [c] 0033603E mov dword ptr [y3],eax cout << x3 << y3 << endl; 00336041 mov esi,esp 00336043 push 3313E8h 00336048 mov edi,esp 0033604A mov eax,dword ptr [y3] 0033604D push eax 0033604E mov ebx,esp 00336050 mov ecx,dword ptr [x3] 00336053 push ecx 00336054 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[3410A8h] 0033605A call dword ptr ds:[341094h] 00336060 cmp ebx,esp 00336062 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) 00336067 mov ecx,eax 00336069 call dword ptr ds:[341094h] 0033606F cmp edi,esp 00336071 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) 00336076 mov ecx,eax 00336078 call dword ptr ds:[341090h] 0033607E cmp esi,esp 00336080 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) cin >> x3 >> y3; 00336085 mov esi,esp 00336087 lea eax,[y3] 0033608A push eax 0033608B mov edi,esp 0033608D lea ecx,[x3] 00336090 push ecx 00336091 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[3410A4h] 00336097 call dword ptr ds:[341100h] 0033609D cmp edi,esp 0033609F call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) 003360A4 mov ecx,eax 003360A6 call dword ptr ds:[341100h] 003360AC cmp esi,esp 003360AE call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) //=======================================剪去不可达分支(剪支优化) if (1 > 2) 003360B3 xor eax,eax 003360B5 je main+250h (03360E0h) cout << "TRUE" << endl; 003360B7 mov esi,esp 003360B9 push 3313E8h 003360BE push 33DC70h 003360C3 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[003410A8h] 003360C8 push eax 003360C9 call std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char> > (03312B2h) 003360CE add esp,8 003360D1 mov ecx,eax 003360D3 call dword ptr ds:[341090h] 003360D9 cmp esi,esp 003360DB call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) //=======================================顺序语句代替分支 int a2; cin >> a2; 003360E0 mov esi,esp 003360E2 lea eax,[a2] 003360E8 push eax 003360E9 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[3410A4h] 003360EF call dword ptr ds:[341100h] 003360F5 cmp esi,esp 003360F7 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) a2 == 5 ?a2= 6 :a2= 7; 003360FC cmp dword ptr [a2],5 00336103 jne main+28Dh (033611Dh) 00336105 mov dword ptr [a2],6 0033610F mov eax,dword ptr [a2] 00336115 mov dword ptr [ebp-1D0h],eax 0033611B jmp main+2A3h (0336133h) 0033611D mov dword ptr [a2],7 00336127 mov ecx,dword ptr [a2] 0033612D mov dword ptr [ebp-1D0h],ecx cout << a2<< endl; 00336133 mov esi,esp 00336135 push 3313E8h 0033613A mov edi,esp 0033613C mov eax,dword ptr [a2] 00336142 push eax 00336143 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[3410A8h] 00336149 call dword ptr ds:[341094h] 0033614F cmp edi,esp 00336151 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) 00336156 mov ecx,eax 00336158 call dword ptr ds:[341090h] 0033615E cmp esi,esp 00336160 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) //=======================================强度削弱 int x4, y4, a3; cin >> a3 ; 00336165 mov esi,esp 00336167 lea eax,[a3] 0033616D push eax 0033616E mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[3410A4h] 00336174 call dword ptr ds:[341100h] 0033617A cmp esi,esp 0033617C call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) x4 = a3*2; 00336181 mov eax,dword ptr [a3] 00336187 shl eax,1 00336189 mov dword ptr [x4],eax y4 = a3 / 4; 0033618F mov eax,dword ptr [a3] 00336195 cdq 00336196 and edx,3 00336199 add eax,edx 0033619B sar eax,2 0033619E mov dword ptr [y4],eax cout << x4 << y4; 003361A4 mov esi,esp 003361A6 mov eax,dword ptr [y4] 003361AC push eax 003361AD mov edi,esp 003361AF mov ecx,dword ptr [x4] 003361B5 push ecx 003361B6 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[3410A8h] 003361BC call dword ptr ds:[341094h] 003361C2 cmp edi,esp 003361C4 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) 003361C9 mov ecx,eax 003361CB call dword ptr ds:[341094h] 003361D1 cmp esi,esp 003361D3 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) //=======================================数学变换 int x5, y5, a4, b4; cin >> a4 >> b4; 003361D8 mov esi,esp 003361DA lea eax,[b4] 003361E0 push eax 003361E1 mov edi,esp 003361E3 lea ecx,[a4] 003361E9 push ecx 003361EA mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[3410A4h] 003361F0 call dword ptr ds:[341100h] 003361F6 cmp edi,esp 003361F8 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) 003361FD mov ecx,eax 003361FF call dword ptr ds:[341100h] 00336205 cmp esi,esp 00336207 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) x5 = a4 * 1; 0033620C mov eax,dword ptr [a4] 00336212 mov dword ptr [x5],eax y5 = a4*x5 + b4*x5; 00336218 mov eax,dword ptr [a4] 0033621E imul eax,dword ptr [x5] 00336225 mov ecx,dword ptr [b4] 0033622B imul ecx,dword ptr [x5] 00336232 add eax,ecx 00336234 mov dword ptr [y5],eax cout << x5 << y5 << endl; 0033623A mov esi,esp 0033623C push 3313E8h 00336241 mov edi,esp 00336243 mov eax,dword ptr [y5] 00336249 push eax 0033624A mov ebx,esp 0033624C mov ecx,dword ptr [x5] 00336252 push ecx 00336253 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[3410A8h] 00336259 call dword ptr ds:[341094h] 0033625F cmp ebx,esp 00336261 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) 00336266 mov ecx,eax 00336268 call dword ptr ds:[341094h] 0033626E cmp edi,esp 00336270 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) 00336275 mov ecx,eax 00336277 call dword ptr ds:[341090h] 0033627D cmp esi,esp 0033627F call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) //=======================================代码外提 int x6, y6; cin >> x6 >> y6; 00336284 mov esi,esp 00336286 lea eax,[y6] 0033628C push eax 0033628D mov edi,esp 0033628F lea ecx,[x6] 00336295 push ecx 00336296 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[3410A4h] 0033629C call dword ptr ds:[341100h] 003362A2 cmp edi,esp 003362A4 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) 003362A9 mov ecx,eax 003362AB call dword ptr ds:[341100h] 003362B1 cmp esi,esp 003362B3 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) while (x6 < y6 / 2) 003362B8 mov eax,dword ptr [y6] 003362BE cdq 003362BF sub eax,edx 003362C1 sar eax,1 003362C3 cmp dword ptr [x6],eax 003362C9 jge main+47Eh (033630Eh) { cout << x6 << endl; 003362CB mov esi,esp 003362CD push 3313E8h 003362D2 mov edi,esp 003362D4 mov eax,dword ptr [x6] 003362DA push eax 003362DB mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[3410A8h] 003362E1 call dword ptr ds:[341094h] 003362E7 cmp edi,esp 003362E9 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) 003362EE mov ecx,eax 003362F0 call dword ptr ds:[341090h] 003362F6 cmp esi,esp 003362F8 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) x6++; 003362FD mov eax,dword ptr [x6] 00336303 add eax,1 00336306 mov dword ptr [x6],eax } 0033630C jmp main+428h (03362B8h) //=============================================== system("pause"); 0033630E mov esi,esp 00336310 push 33DC78h 00336315 call dword ptr ds:[3411DCh] 0033631B add esp,4 0033631E cmp esi,esp 00336320 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0331339h) return 0; 00336325 xor eax,eax }View Code
{ 001E12A0 push ebp 001E12A1 mov ebp,esp 001E12A3 sub esp,40h 001E12A6 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[001E4000h] 001E12AB xor eax,ebp 001E12AD mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax //=======================================常量折叠与常量传播 int a1; a1 = 1 + 1; cout << a1 << endl; 001E12B0 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1E305Ch] //=======================================常量折叠与常量传播 int a1; a1 = 1 + 1; cout << a1 << endl; //1是常量,1+1必然是2,结果可以预见,所以直接生成a1=3(常量折叠); //而其后cout<<a1,a1的值已经确定,所以直接由a1的常量值代替a1(常量传播)。 001E12B6 push 1E1990h 001E12BB push 2 001E12BD call dword ptr ds:[1E3064h] 001E12C3 mov ecx,eax 001E12C5 call dword ptr ds:[1E3040h] //=======================================减少变量 int x1, y1, m1, n1; cin >> m1 >> n1; 001E12CB mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1E3058h] 001E12D1 lea eax,[n1] 001E12D4 push eax 001E12D5 lea eax,[m1] 001E12D8 push eax 001E12D9 call dword ptr ds:[1E3038h] 001E12DF mov ecx,eax 001E12E1 call dword ptr ds:[1E3038h] x1 = m1 * 2; y1 = n1 * 2; 001E12E7 mov eax,dword ptr [n1] 001E12EA lea ecx,[eax+eax] 001E12ED mov eax,dword ptr [m1] 001E12F0 add eax,eax if (x1 > y1) //这里x1>y1等于m1>n1的比较,所以优化掉了x1和y1,直接比较是的 //m1*2和n1*2的值 001E12F2 cmp eax,ecx 001E12F4 jle main+6Eh (01E130Eh) cout <<"TRUE"<< endl; 001E12F6 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1E305Ch] 001E12FC push 1E1990h 001E1301 call std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char> > (01E19C0h) 001E1306 mov ecx,eax 001E1308 call dword ptr ds:[1E3040h] //=======================================公共表达式 int x2, y2, m2; cin >> m2 ; 001E130E mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1E3058h] 001E1314 lea eax,[m2] 001E1317 push eax 001E1318 call dword ptr ds:[1E3038h] x2 = m2 * 2; 001E131E mov eax,dword ptr [m2] y2 = m2 * 2; cout << x2 << y2 << endl; 001E1321 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1E305Ch] y2 = m2 * 2; cout << x2 << y2 << endl; //m2*2是x2和y2的公共表达式,所以计算出m2*2的值后, //直接赋值给x2和y2 001E1327 add eax,eax 001E1329 push 1E1990h 001E132E push eax 001E132F push eax 001E1330 mov dword ptr [x2],eax 001E1333 mov dword ptr [y2],eax 001E1336 call dword ptr ds:[1E3064h] 001E133C mov ecx,eax 001E133E call dword ptr ds:[1E3064h] 001E1344 mov ecx,eax 001E1346 call dword ptr ds:[1E3040h] cin >> x2 >> y2; 001E134C mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1E3058h] 001E1352 lea eax,[y2] 001E1355 push eax 001E1356 lea eax,[x2] 001E1359 push eax 001E135A call dword ptr ds:[1E3038h] 001E1360 mov ecx,eax 001E1362 call dword ptr ds:[1E3038h] //=======================================复写传播 int x3, y3, a,c; cin >> a>>c; 001E1368 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1E3058h] 001E136E lea eax,[c] 001E1371 push eax 001E1372 lea eax,[a] 001E1375 push eax 001E1376 call dword ptr ds:[1E3038h] 001E137C mov ecx,eax 001E137E call dword ptr ds:[1E3038h] x3 = a; 001E1384 mov ecx,dword ptr [a] y3 = x3 + c; //类似于常量传播,但目标变成了变量 //所以这里y3=x3+c中的x3被a替换,然后计算a+c的值赋给y3 001E1387 mov eax,dword ptr [c] 001E138A add eax,ecx //eax和ecx中分别保存了变量c和a的值, //此处为a+c,然后将结果存到eax中,并没有取变量x3的值与c相加。 //如果在y3=x3+c之前修改了变量x3的值,就不能进行复写传播优化了。 001E138C mov dword ptr [x3],ecx cout << x3 << y3 << endl; 001E138F push 1E1990h 001E1394 push eax 001E1395 push ecx 001E1396 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1E305Ch] 001E139C mov dword ptr [y3],eax //将a+c的结果赋给y3 001E139F call dword ptr ds:[1E3064h] 001E13A5 mov ecx,eax 001E13A7 call dword ptr ds:[1E3064h] 001E13AD mov ecx,eax 001E13AF call dword ptr ds:[1E3040h] cin >> x3 >> y3; 001E13B5 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1E3058h] 001E13BB lea eax,[y3] 001E13BE push eax 001E13BF lea eax,[x3] 001E13C2 push eax 001E13C3 call dword ptr ds:[1E3038h] 001E13C9 mov ecx,eax 001E13CB call dword ptr ds:[1E3038h] //=======================================剪去不可达分支(剪支优化) if (1 > 2) cout << "TRUE" << endl; //因为1>2永远为假,分支中的代码不可能被执行,所以整个if代码块不产生指令。 //=======================================顺序语句代替分支 int a2; cin >> a2; 001E13D1 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1E3058h] 001E13D7 lea eax,[a2] 001E13DA push eax 001E13DB call dword ptr ds:[1E3038h] a2 == 5 ?a2= 6 :a2= 7; cout << a2<< endl; 001E13E1 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1E305Ch] a2 == 5 ?a2= 6 :a2= 7; cout << a2<< endl; //这是个条件语句,相当于if(a2==5).....else.........的分支结构 //这里把分支结构优化为了顺序语句 001E13E7 xor eax,eax 001E13E9 cmp dword ptr [a2],5 //判断a2是否等于5 001E13ED push 1E1990h //如果a2==5,则al=0,否则al=1; 001E13F2 setne al //所以add eax,6 只有两个可能的值,6或7 //a2==5,则eax=6,否则eax=7,然后将eax赋给a2 001E13F5 add eax,6 001E13F8 push eax 001E13F9 mov dword ptr [a2],eax 001E13FC call dword ptr ds:[1E3064h] 001E1402 mov ecx,eax 001E1404 call dword ptr ds:[1E3040h] //=======================================强度削弱 int x4, y4, a3; cin >> a3 ; //强度削弱,就是用加法或移位代替乘法,用乘法或移位代替除法 001E140A mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1E3058h] 001E1410 lea eax,[a3] 001E1413 push eax 001E1414 call dword ptr ds:[1E3038h] x4 = a3*2; 001E141A mov eax,dword ptr [a3] 001E141D lea ecx,[eax+eax] //用加法代替乘法 y4 = a3 / 4; 001E1420 cdq 001E1421 and edx,3 001E1424 add eax,edx 001E1426 sar eax,2 //用移位代替除法 cout << x4 << y4; 001E1429 push eax 001E142A push ecx 001E142B mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1E305Ch] 001E1431 call dword ptr ds:[1E3064h] 001E1437 mov ecx,eax 001E1439 call dword ptr ds:[1E3064h] //=======================================数学变换 int x5, y5, a4, b4; cin >> a4 >> b4; 001E143F mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1E3058h] //=======================================数学变换 int x5, y5, a4, b4; cin >> a4 >> b4; 001E1445 lea eax,[b4] 001E1448 push eax 001E1449 lea eax,[a4] 001E144C push eax 001E144D call dword ptr ds:[1E3038h] 001E1453 mov ecx,eax 001E1455 call dword ptr ds:[1E3038h] x5 = a4 * 1; y5 = a4*x5 + b4*x5; //x=a+0,x=a*1等都是代数恒等式,不会产生运算指令 //y5=a4*x5+b4*x5=(a4+b4)*x5;所以此处先把a4和b4的值相加 //然后乘以x5的值,而x5又等于a4,所以乘的是变量a4, //因为后面没有对x5的引用,因此x5被优化掉了(减少变量) 001E145B mov ecx,dword ptr [a4] 001E145E mov eax,dword ptr [b4] 001E1461 add eax,ecx //a4+b4 001E1463 imul eax,ecx //(a4+b4)*a4 cout << x5 << y5 << endl; 001E1466 push 1E1990h 001E146B push eax 001E146C push ecx 001E146D mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1E305Ch] 001E1473 call dword ptr ds:[1E3064h] 001E1479 mov ecx,eax 001E147B call dword ptr ds:[1E3064h] 001E1481 mov ecx,eax 001E1483 call dword ptr ds:[1E3040h] //=======================================代码外提 int x6, y6; cin >> x6 >> y6; 001E1489 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1E3058h] 001E148F lea eax,[y6] 001E1492 push eax 001E1493 lea eax,[x6] 001E1496 push eax 001E1497 call dword ptr ds:[1E3038h] 001E149D mov ecx,eax 001E149F call dword ptr ds:[1E3038h] while (x6 < y6 / 2) //这类优化一般存在于循环中 //循环体内没有修改y6的值,所以在循环之前,计算出y6/2的值, //然后在循环过程中,直接用y6/2的值与x6进行比较,而不必 //每循环一次,计算一次y6/2 001E14A5 mov eax,dword ptr [y6] 001E14A8 mov ecx,dword ptr [x6] 001E14AB cdq 001E14AC sub eax,edx 001E14AE sar eax,1 //y6/2 001E14B0 cmp ecx,eax 001E14B2 jge main+241h (01E14E1h) { cout << x6 << endl; 001E14B4 push 1E1990h 001E14B9 push ecx 001E14BA mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1E305Ch] 001E14C0 call dword ptr ds:[1E3064h] 001E14C6 mov ecx,eax 001E14C8 call dword ptr ds:[1E3040h] 001E14CE mov eax,dword ptr [y6] x6++; 001E14D1 mov ecx,dword ptr [x6] 001E14D4 cdq 001E14D5 inc ecx 001E14D6 sub eax,edx 001E14D8 mov dword ptr [x6],ecx 001E14DB sar eax,1 001E14DD cmp ecx,eax 001E14DF jl main+214h (01E14B4h) } //=============================================== system("pause"); 001E14E1 push 1E31C4h 001E14E6 call dword ptr ds:[1E30E8h] return 0; } 001E14EC mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-4] 001E14EF add esp,4 001E14F2 xor ecx,ebp 001E14F4 xor eax,eax 001E14F6 call __security_check_cookie (01E1BD2h) 001E14FB mov esp,ebp 001E14FD pop ebp 001E14FE retView Code