User scenario testing for Android
Robotium is a test framework created to make it easy to write powerful and robust automatic black-box test cases for Android applications. With the support of Robotium, test case developers can write function, system and acceptance test scenarios, spanning multiple Android activities.
Robotium has full support for Activities, Dialogs, Toasts, Menus and Context Menus.
1.启动Eclipse执行 New --> Project --> Android Project --> Create Project from existing?sample --> NotePad将自带的例子导入进来.
3.然后执行File --> Import --> Existing Project into workspace --> Select archive file --> ExampleTestProject_v2.1.zip将例子导入进来(如果错误可能需要你在这个项目上将刚才说需要的两个jar导入project --> Properties --> Java Build Path --> Add (external) Jar)
4.右键选择刚才导入的test例子执行Run As --> Run As Android JUnit Test.
private Solo solo; public NotePadTest() { super("com.example.android.notepad", NotesList.class); } public void setUp() throws Exception { solo = new Solo(getInstrumentation(), getActivity()); } @Smoke public void testAddNote() throws Exception { solo.clickOnMenuItem("Add note"); solo.assertCurrentActivity("Expected NoteEditor activity", "NoteEditor"); //Assert that NoteEditor activity is opened solo.enterText(0, "Note 1"); //In text field 0, add Note 1 solo.goBack(); //Go back solo.clickOnMenuItem("Add note"); //Clicks on menu item solo.enterText(0, "Note 2"); //In text field 0, add Note 2 solo.goBackToActivity("NotesList"); //Go back to first activity named "NotesList" boolean expected = true; boolean actual = solo.searchText("Note 1") && solo.searchText("Note 2"); assertEquals("Note 1 and/or Note 2 are not found", expected, actual); //Assert that Note 1 & Note 2 are found } @Smoke public void testEditNote() throws Exception { solo.clickInList(2); // Clicks on the second list line solo.setActivityOrientation(Solo.LANDSCAPE); // Change orientation of activity solo.clickOnMenuItem("Edit title"); // Change title solo.enterText(0, " test"); //In first text field (0), add test. solo.goBackToActivity("NotesList"); boolean expected = true; boolean actual = solo.searchText("(?i).*?note 1 test"); // (Regexp) case insensitive // insensitive assertEquals("Note 1 test is not found", expected, actual); //Assert that Note 1 test is found } @Smoke public void testRemoveNote() throws Exception { solo.clickOnText("(?i).*?test.*"); //(Regexp) case insensitive/text that contains "test" solo.clickOnMenuItem("Delete"); //Delete Note 1 test boolean expected = false; //Note 1 test & Note 2 should not be found boolean actual = solo.searchText("Note 1 test"); assertEquals("Note 1 Test is found", expected, actual); //Assert that Note 1 test is not found solo.clickLongOnText("Note 2"); solo.clickOnText("(?i).*?Delete.*"); //Clicks on Delete in the context menu actual = solo.searchText("Note 2"); assertEquals("Note 2 is found", expected, actual); //Assert that Note 2 is not found } @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { try { solo.finalize(); //Robotium will finish all the activities that have been open } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } getActivity().finish(); super.tearDown(); }