
您所在的位置: 程序员俱乐部 > 编程开发 > C/C++ > SCons笔记(详细版)


 2010/12/30 8:05:20  andylin02  我要评论(0)
  • 摘要:1.基本使用SConstruct文件就功能而言相当于Makefile文件,就内容而言则是Python脚本,scons读入它时,会把脚本的命令都执行一遍,但具体编译过程则有scons自己相机而定。Program('hello.c')Program('new_hello','hello_c')前为目标,后为源文件Program(['prog.c','file1.c','file2.c'])多个源文件Program(‘program',['prog.c','file1.c','file2.c']
  • 标签:笔记

1. 基本使用
Program('new_hello','hello_c')?? 前为目标,后为源文件
Program(['prog.c','file1.c','file2.c'])? 多个源文件
Program(‘program',['prog.c','file1.c','file2.c'])?? 指定目标文件,多个源文件
Program('program',Split('main.c file.c file2.c'))? 多个原文件更清晰的写法
?????????????????????????? file1.c
?????????????????????????? file2.c""")

2. 编译多个目标文件就多次调用Program()

3.8? 多个程序共享源文件
eg.1 ?
?????? Program(Split('foo.c common1.c common2.c'))
?????? Program('bar', Split('bar1.c bar2.c common1.c common2.c'))
eg.2?? ?
?????? common = ['common1.c', 'common2.c']
?????? foo_files = ['foo.c'] + common
?????? bar_files = ['bar1.c', 'bar2.c'] + common
?????? Program('foo', foo_files)
?????? Program('bar', bar_files)

4. 库编译和链接
4.1 库编译
?? ?Library('foo', ['f1.c', 'f2.c', 'f3.c'])
4.1.1? 你甚至可以在文件List里混用源文件和.o文件
?? ?Library('foo', ['f1.c', 'f2.o', 'f3.c', 'f4.o'])
4.1.2? 显式编译静态库
?? ?StaticLibrary('foo', ['f1.c', 'f2.c', 'f3.c'])
4.1.3 编译动态库
?? ?SharedLibrary('foo', ['f1.c', 'f2.c', 'f3.c'])
4.2 库链接
?? ?Library('foo', ['f1.c', 'f2.c', 'f3.c'])
??????? Program('prog.c', LIBS=['foo', 'bar'], LIBPATH='.')
??? 不用指明库的前缀和后缀,如lib,.a等。
4.3 找到库:$LIBPATH变量
????? Program('prog.c', LIBS = 'm',
??????????????????????? LIBPATH = ['/usr/lib', '/usr/local/lib'])
??? Unix上???? LIBPATH = '/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib'
??? Windows上? LIBPATH = 'C:\\lib;D:\\lib'

5. 节点对象(nodes)
5.1 builder方法的返回值都是节点对象List,这一点很重要,在python中List+List还是List,下面可以看到应用。
????? hello_list = Object('hello.c', CCFLAGS='-DHELLO')
????? goodbye_list = Object('goodbye.c', CCFLAGS='-DGOODBYE')
????? Program(hello_list + goodbye_list)
??? 这里如果不使用变量的话,就不能跨平台使用了,因为不同系统object扩展名是不同的

5.2 显示创建文件和目录节点
????? hello_c = File('hello.c')
????? Program(hello_c)
????? classes = Dir('classes')
????? Java(classes, 'src')
??? 一般,你不用显式调用他们,因为builder方法会自动处理文件名字符串并转换为节点的。
??? 当你不知道目标是文件还是目录时:
??? xyzzy = Entry('xyzzy')

5.3 打印节点文件名
????? hello_c = File('hello.c')
????? Program(hello_c)

????? classes = Dir('classes')
????? Java(classes, 'src')

????? object_list = Object('hello.c')
????? program_list = Program(object_list)
????? print "The object file is:", object_list[0]
????? print "The program file is:", program_list[0]
5.4 把节点文件名当作字符串来使用
????? imp

ort os.path
????? program_list = Program('hello.c')
????? program_name = str(program_list[0])
????? if not os.path.exists(program_name):
????????? print program_name, "does not exist!"
??? 此例判断了文件是否存在

6. 依赖关系
6.1.1 默认使用MD5检查源文件内容而不是时间戳,用touch不算修改过
????? 显示调用
?? ?Program('hello.c')
??????? Decider('MD5')
6.1.2 使用时间戳
??????? Program('hello.c')
??????? Decider('timestamp-newer')
????? 与下面语句等价
??????? Program('hello.c')
??????? Decider('make')
????? 更详细的检查
??????? Program('hello.c')
??????? Decider('timestamp-match')
6.1.3 两者同时使用
??????? Program('hello.c')
??????? Decider('MD5-timestamp')
6.3 $CPPPATH 隐含依赖关系
?????? Program('hello.c', CPPPATH = ['include', '/home/project/inc'])
??? 会在编译时加 -I

6.4 缓冲隐式依赖关系
?? ? % scons -Q --implicit-cache hello? 运行选项
?? ?SetOption('implicit_cache', 1)????? 写在脚本里
??? 这样下次就不用从头开始找依赖关系了
???????? % scons -Q --implicit-deps-changed hello
??? 再打开

6.5 显式依赖关系: Depends函数
??? 当Scons没有找到关系时
?????? hello = Program('hello.c')
?????? Depends(hello, 'other_file')
6.9??? 总是编译
????? hello = Program('hello.c')
????? AlwaysBuild(hello)

7. 环境
7.2 创建环境
???? imp
ort os

???????? env = Environment(CC = 'gcc',
?????????????????????????? CCFLAGS = '-O2')

???????? env.Program('foo.c')
?% scons -Q
7.2.2 获取环境变量
???????? env = Environment()
???????? print "CC is:", env['CC']
???????? % scons -Q
???????? CC is: cc
???????? scons: `.' is up to date.
???????? env = Environment(FOO = 'foo', BAR = 'bar')
???????? dict = env.Dictionary()
???????? for key in ['OBJSUFFIX', 'LIBSUFFIX', 'PROGSUFFIX']:
???????????? print "key = %s, value = %s" % (key, dict[key])
???? ?

This SConstruct file will print the specified dictionary items for us on POSIX systems as follows:

???????? % scons -Q
???????? key = OBJSUFFIX, value = .o
???????? key = LIBSUFFIX, value = .a
???????? key = PROGSUFFIX, value =
???????? scons: `.' is up to date.
13. Install安装文件至其他文件夹
???? env = Environment()
???? hello = env.Program('hello.c')
???? env.Install('/usr/bin', hello)
13.1 在目录里安装多个文件
?????? env = Environment()
?????? hello = env.Program('hello.c')
?????? goodbye = env.Program('goodbye.c')
?????? env.Install('/usr/bin', [hello, goodbye])
?????? env.Alias('install', '/usr/bin')
13.2 一个文件不同存放
?????? env = Environment()
?????? hello = env.Program('hello.c')
?????? env.InstallAs('/usr/bin/hello-new', hello)
?????? env.Alias('install', '/usr/bin')

?????? % scons -Q install
?????? cc -o hello.o -c hello.c
?????? cc -o hello hello.o
?????? Install file: "hello" as "/usr/bin/hello-new"

14 平台独立的文件系统操作
14.1 复制
??????? Command("file.out", "", Copy("$TARGET", "$SOURCE"))
???? 或者
??????? Command("file.out", [], Copy("$TARGET", ""))

16. 多层目录构建
16.1 SConscript文件可以层层包含
????? SConscript(['drivers/SConscript',
????????????????? 'parser/SConscript',
????????????????? 'utilities/SConscript'])
????? SConscript(['display/SConscript',
????????????????? 'mouse/SConscript'])
16.2 对文件SConscript的相对目录
????? SConscript(['prog1/SConscript',
????????????????? 'prog2/SConscript'])
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