/* * mp3.c * * Created on: 2010-12-12 * Author: thankyouxue */ #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <windows.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include <mmsystem.h> #include <io.h> #include <tcconio.h> int _chdir(const char *dirname); int enter_path(); void Usage(); void Play(); void Stop(); void Pause(); void Resume(); void Speed(); void Position(); /* Prototipi na vsichki funkci */ void GetAllSong(); void StatSong(); void CloseSong(); void init(); void AutoP_List(); void p_NextList(); void p_PrevList(); void GetOldColor(); void GetSongLength(); void GetTotalTimeAllSong(); void GetTimeAddSong(); void GetTimeDelSong(); void write_data(); void Quit(); #define max_num 1000 const char file_path[128] = "path.txt"; char old_path[128]; char NextSong[max_num][128]; char ShortPathName[max_num][80]; char LongFileName[max_num][128]; /* Vsichki 2-merni i 3-merni masivi */ char CompareNames[max_num][128]; char p_List[15][10][128]; char p_file[15][10][128]; char Label[128]; /* vischki ednomerni masivi */ char UserName[128]; char speed[128]; char dirname[128]; int i, s, p; int a, b, v; int err; int isPlay; /* Vsichki celochisleni promenlivi */ int Control; int TotalSong; int p_count; int a_uto; int m_null; int num; int MAX; unsigned getlen; int number[max_num]; int mm_time; int stop_flash; int m_normal_text; int p_change; int y[1000]; int x = 25; int h2, m2, s2; int main(void) { int ret; FILE *in; struct _finddata_t f; clrscr(); DWORD nUserName = sizeof(UserName); /* Vzemane na user name */ if (GetUserName(UserName, &nUserName) == 0) { printf("Failed to lookup user name, error code ", GetLastError()); } clrscr(); memset(dirname, '\0', sizeof(dirname)); if ((ret = _findfirst("*.mp3", &f)) < 0) { for (;;) { GetCurrentDirectory(256, old_path); if ((in = fopen(file_path, "rb")) == NULL) { enter_path(); break; } fread((void*) &dirname, sizeof(char), 128, in); fclose(in); break; } } GetAllSong(); /* Zarejdane na pesnite v masiva */ init(); /* initializirane na play listata */ FILE * p; if ((p = fopen("length.txt", "rb")) == NULL) { GetTotalTimeAllSong(); goto label1; } if (p) { fscanf(p, "%d %d %d %d %d", &h2, &m2, &s2, &mm_time, &getlen); fclose(p); } if ((p = fopen("number.txt", "rb")) == NULL) goto label1; if (p) { for (int f = 0; f < mm_time; f++) { fread((void*) &number[f], sizeof(int), 1, p); } fclose(p); } if ((p = fopen("names.txt", "rb")) == NULL) goto label1; if (p) { for (int f = 0; f < TotalSong; f++) { fread((void*) &CompareNames[f], sizeof(char), 1024, p); } fclose(p); } if (TotalSong > mm_time) GetTimeAddSong(); if (TotalSong < mm_time) GetTimeDelSong(); label1: Play(); /* Prosfirvane na parvia file ot masiva s dani */ Usage(); /* glavno menu za user */ return 0; } int enter_path() { int i; int a1, b1; int ret; char str[128]; char ch; FILE *out; clrscr(); memset(str, '\0', sizeof(str)); gotoxy(1, 25); printf("MP3 Pro v 2.0 copyright (C) 2002.Press Esc to exit."); gotoxy(1, 2); printf("Enter path to your mp3 song(s): "); i = 0; while (1) { ch = getch(); if (ch == 27) return -1; if (ch == 13) { if (i == 0) continue; break; } if (ch == 8) { str[i] = '\0'; i--; if (i < 0) { i = 0; continue; } clrscr(); gotoxy(1, 25); printf("Mp3 Pro v 2.0 copyright (C) 2003.Press Esc to exit."); gotoxy(1, 2); printf("Enter path to your mp3 song(s): "); for (a1 = 0; a1 < i; a1++) printf("%c", str[a1]); } if (ch != 8 && ch != 13 && ch != 27 && ch != 9) { str[i] = ch; i++; if (i > 20) { i = 20; continue; } gotoxy(33, 2); for (b1 = 0; b1 < i; b1++) printf("%c", str[b1]); } } if ((ret = _chdir(str)) < 0) { /* Provarka za validen pat example d:\music\2003 */ gotoxy(33, 15); printf("Path is not valid!"); getch(); return -1; } _chdir(old_path); strcpy(dirname, str); if ((out = fopen(file_path, "wb")) == NULL) exit(1); /* Zapisvame dirname v path.txt */ fprintf(out, "%s", dirname); fclose(out); return 0; } void Usage() { char ch; int max_len = 0; int i; FILE *in; clrscr(); textcolor(7); gotoxy(18, 1); printf("Mp3 Pro v 2.0 Programed by Nikolai Halachev BG."); gotoxy(18, 2); printf("Free MP3 player for windows (95,98)"); gotoxy(1, 5); printf(" P = Play\n"); printf(" S = Stop\n"); printf(" W = Pause\n"); printf(" X = Change Speed\n"); printf(" C = Change Position\n"); printf(" -> = Next Song\n"); printf(" <- = Prev Song\n"); printf(" L = Load Song(s)\n"); printf(" Q = Quit"); gotoxy(1, 20); printf(" TotalSong = %d", TotalSong); gotoxy(1, 15); printf(" Enter your choice: "); textcolor(12); gotoxy(39, 4); printf(" Play List"); textcolor(7); if (TotalSong > 9) { textcolor(15); gotoxy(25, 15); printf("Press (+) to next Play List or (-) to prev Play List"); textcolor(7); } max_len = TotalSong / 9; gotoxy(50, 4); printf("[%d]", p_count + 1); for (int q = 0; p_List[p_count][q][0]; q++) { y[q] = 5 + q; gotoxy(x, y[q]); clreol(); printf("%d. %s", q + 1, p_List[p_count][q]); } while (1) { for (;;) { StatSong(); /* sledene sastoianieto na pesenta */ GetSongLength();/*Vzimane na daljinata na pesenta */ if (!isPlay) { if (p_count == max_len) { if (!strcmp(p_List[p_count][num + 1], "")) { p_count = -1; p_NextList(); num = -1; } } if (a_uto) { AutoP_List(); num = -1; a_uto = 0; } if (num == 8) { AutoP_List(); num = -1; } GetOldColor(); CloseSong(); num++; Play(); } textcolor(7); gotoxy(2, 21); printf("User Name: "); printf("%s", UserName); if (kbhit()) break; sleep(100); if (Control) { gotoxy(1, 23); clreol(); printf(" Stoped -> %s ", Label); } if (!Control) { gotoxy(1, 23); clreol(); printf(" Playing -> %s ", Label); } gotoxy(55, 21); printf("Copyright (C) 2003"); } ch = getch(); int hot_key = 0; char *s_key; s_key = (char*) malloc(100); s_key[0] = ch; hot_key = atoi(s_key); if (p_count == max_len) { if (!strcmp(p_List[p_count][hot_key - 1], "")) goto label1; } if (hot_key > TotalSong) goto label1; if (hot_key) { if (hot_key == 9) a_uto = 1; if (hot_key < 9) a_uto = 0; num = hot_key - 1; CloseSong(); Play(); if (m_null) goto label1; GetOldColor(); } label1: m_null = 0; Control = 0; if (tolower(ch) == 'p') { CloseSong(); Play(); } if (tolower(ch) == 's') Stop(); /* Izvikvane na funk Stop */ if (tolower(ch) == 'w') Pause(); /* izvikvane na funk Pause */ if (tolower(ch) == 'x') Speed(); /* Izvikvane na funk Speed */ if (tolower(ch) == 'c') Position(); /* izvikvane na funk Position */ if (tolower(ch) == 'l') { /* Zarejdane na nova diriktoria ot mp3-ki */ _chdir(old_path); if ((i = enter_path()) < 0) Usage(); _chdir(dirname); memset(NextSong, '\0', sizeof(NextSong)); memset(CompareNames, '\0', sizeof(CompareNames)); memset(ShortPathName, '\0', sizeof(ShortPathName)); memset(LongFileName, '0', sizeof(LongFileName)); memset(p_List, '\0', sizeof(p_List)); memset(p_file, '\0', sizeof(p_file)); p_count = 0; m_null = 0; mm_time = 0; GetAllSong(); GetTotalTimeAllSong(); init(); _chdir(old_path); Play(); Usage(); } if (ch == '=') p_NextList(); /* Obhojdane na play listata napred */ if (ch == '-') p_PrevList(); /* Obhojdane na play listata nazad */ if (ch == 0x4d) { CloseSong(); num++; int bc; for (bc = 0; p_List[p_count][bc][0]; bc++) ; if (num > bc - 1) { p_NextList(); p_change = 1; a_uto = 0; num = 0; } GetOldColor(); isPlay = 0; Play(); } if (ch == 0x4b) { CloseSong(); num--; isPlay = 1; GetOldColor(); Play(); } if (tolower(ch) == 'q') Quit(); } } void Play() { char FileName[128]; _chdir(dirname); if (!isPlay) { strcpy(FileName, "open "); strcat(FileName, NextSong[num]); strcat(FileName, " alias song"); strcpy(speed, "set song speed "); strcat(speed, "1000"); strcpy(Label, p_List[p_count][num]); } if (isPlay) { if (num < 0) num = 0; strcpy(FileName, "open "); strcat(FileName, NextSong[num]); strcat(FileName, " alias song"); strcpy(speed, "set song speed "); strcat(speed, "1000"); strcpy(Label, p_List[p_count][num]); } err = mciSendString(FileName, 0, 0, 0); if (err > 0) { perror("error"); exit(1); } err = mciSendString(speed, 0, 0, 0); if (err > 0) { perror("error"); exit(1); } err = mciSendString("play song", 0, 0, 0); if (err > 0) { perror("error"); exit(1); } if (p_change) { strcpy(Label, p_List[p_count][0]); p_change = 0; } if (!strcmp(Label, "")) strcpy(Label, LongFileName[0]); } void Stop() { err = mciSendString("stop song", 0, 0, 0); Control = 1; if (err > 0) { perror("error"); exit(1); } } void Pause() { char ch; err = mciSendString("pause song", 0, 0, 0); if (err > 0) { perror("error"); exit(1); } gotoxy(1, 23); clreol(); printf(" Paused -> %s ", Label); while (1) { ch = getch(); if (tolower(ch) == 'w') { gotoxy(1, 23); clreol(); printf(" Playing -> %s ", Label); Resume(); break; } } } void Resume() { err = mciSendString("resume song", 0, 0, 0); if (err > 0) { perror("error"); exit(1); } } void Speed() { char Stat[20]; char bit[128]; char str[128]; char ch; stop_flash = 1; memset(str, '\0', sizeof(str)); clrscr(); strcpy(bit, "set song speed "); gotoxy(1, 25); printf("MP3 Pro v 2.0 copyright (C) 2002.Press Esc to exit."); gotoxy(1, 2); printf("Change speed: "); i = 0; while (1) { for (;;) { mciSendString("status song mode", Stat, 128, 0); StatSong(); if (!isPlay) Usage(); if (kbhit()) break; } ch = getch(); if (ch == 27) { stop_flash = 0; Usage(); } if (ch == 13) { if (i == 0) continue; break; } if (ch == 8) { str[i] = '\0'; i--; if (i < 0) { i = 0; continue; } clrscr(); gotoxy(1, 25); printf("MP3 Pro v 2.0 copyright (C) 2002.Press Esc to exit."); gotoxy(1, 2); printf("Change speed: "); for (a = 0; a < i; a++) printf("%c", str[a]); } if (ch != 8 && ch != 13 && ch != 27 && ch != 9) { str[i] = ch; i++; if (i > 3) { i = 3; continue; } gotoxy(15, 2); for (b = 0; b < i; b++) printf("%c", str[b]); } } if (i == 3) str[i] = '0'; if (i == 2) { str[i + 1] = '\0'; str[i] = '0'; } strcat(bit, " "); strcat(bit, str); int song_length = atoi(str); song_length = song_length / 10; if (song_length > 200) { gotoxy(20, 10); printf("Speed is large maximum change of speed = 200"); getch(); Speed(); } err = mciSendString(bit, 0, 0, 0); if (err > 0) { perror("error"); exit(1); } stop_flash = 0; Usage(); } void Position() { char Stat[20]; char ch; char change[128]; char str[128]; memset(str, '\0', sizeof(str)); clrscr(); stop_flash = 1; strcpy(change, "play song from "); gotoxy(1, 25); printf("MP3 Pro v 2.0 copyright (C) 2002.Press Esc to exit."); gotoxy(1, 2); printf("Enter value for position: "); i = 0; while (1) { for (;;) { err = mciSendString("status song mode", Stat, 128, 0); if (err > 0) { perror("error"); exit(1); } StatSong(); if (!isPlay) Usage(); if (kbhit()) break; } ch = getch(); if (ch == 27) { stop_flash = 0; Usage(); } if (ch == 13) { if (i == 0) continue; break; } if (ch == 8) { str[i] = '\0'; i--; if (i < 0) { i = 0; continue; } clrscr(); gotoxy(1, 25); printf("MP3 Pro v 2.0 copyright (C) 2002.Press Esc to exit."); gotoxy(1, 2); printf("Enter value for position: "); for (a = 0; a < i; a++) printf("%c", str[a]); } if (ch != 8 && ch != 13 && ch != 27 && ch != 9) { str[i] = ch; i++; if (i > 3) { i = 3; continue; } gotoxy(27, 2); for (b = 0; b < i; b++) printf("%c", str[b]); } } if (i == 2) { str[i] = '0'; str[i + 1] = '0'; str[i + 2] = '0'; } if (i == 3) { str[i] = '0'; str[i + 1] = '0'; str[i + 2] = '0'; } int i; int song_len = atoi(str); song_len = song_len / 1000; int count = p_count; if (count > 0) { count++; count = count * 9; count = count - 9; } i = count + num; if (song_len > number[i]) { gotoxy(20, 10); printf("Length is large.Maximum change oflength = %d", number[i]); getch(); Position(); } strcat(change, str); err = mciSendString(change, 0, 0, 0); if (err > 0) { perror("Error"); exit(1); } stop_flash = 0; Usage(); } void GetAllSong() { struct _finddata_t f; long int r; long int RetVal; int Len; char Name[128]; FILE *out; memset(NextSong, '\0', sizeof(NextSong)); memset(LongFileName, '\0', sizeof(LongFileName)); clrscr(); _chdir(dirname); r = _findfirst("*.mp3", &f); if (r < 0) { _chdir(old_path); if ((out = fopen(file_path, "rb")) == NULL) { gotoxy(20, 10); printf("Sorry no mp3 file(s) on this dirictory"); gotoxy(20, 11); printf("Press eny key to continue"); getch(); exit(1); } gotoxy(20, 10); printf("-> %s Path is not valid", dirname); gotoxy(20, 11); printf("Press eny key to exit"); getch(); fclose(out); remove(file_path); exit(1); } while (1) { if (err < 0) break; sprintf(Name, "%s", f.name); strcpy(NextSong[num], Name); strcpy(LongFileName[num], NextSong[num]); err = _findnext(r, &f); Len = 255; RetVal = GetShortPathName(NextSong[num], ShortPathName[num], Len); if (RetVal < 0) exit(1); strcpy(NextSong[num], ShortPathName[num]); if (num > max_num) { clrscr(); gotoxy(28, 10); printf("MAX 1000 mp3 files"); getch(); exit(1); } num++; } TotalSong = num; num = 0; _chdir(old_path); } void StatSong() { char Stat[20]; err = mciSendString("status song mode", Stat, 128, 0); if (err > 0) { perror("error"); exit(1); } if (!strcmp(p_List[p_count][num], "")) { m_null = 1; return; } if (!strcmp(Stat, "playing")) { isPlay = 1; if (stop_flash) return; int i; int count = p_count; if (count > 0) { count++; count = (count * 9) - 9; } i = count + num; if (!strcmp(Label, LongFileName[i])) { m_normal_text = num; textcolor(14); /* cviat za migane 14 = jalt*/ gotoxy(x, y[num]);/* flash na play listata */ clreol(); sleep(150); gotoxy(x, y[num]); printf("%d. %s", num + 1, Label); sleep(150); } return; } isPlay = 0; if (Control) isPlay = 1; } void CloseSong() { err = mciSendString("close song ", 0, 0, 0); if (err > 0) { perror("error"); exit(1); } } void init() { int ret; int d, g, z; z = 0; for (d = 0; NextSong[d][0]; d++) { /* Zarejdane na parvata play lista */ if (z == 9) { p_count++; z = 0; } /* Skasiavane na golemite imena */ for (int len = 0; NextSong[len][0]; len++) { ret = strlen(LongFileName[len]); if (ret >= 50) { for (g = 50; LongFileName[len][g]; g++) LongFileName[len][g] = '\0'; } /* premahvane na mp3 natpisa ot file */ for (int v = 0; v < ret; v++) { if (LongFileName[len][v] == '.') { for (int p = v; p < ret; p++) LongFileName[len][p] = '\0'; } } } strcpy(p_List[p_count][z], LongFileName[d]); strcpy(p_file[p_count][z], NextSong[d]); z++; } MAX = p_count; p_count = 0; } void AutoP_List() { p_count++; for (int q = 0; p_List[p_count][q][0]; q++) { if (!strcmp(p_List[p_count][q + 1], "")) { for (int v = q; v < 9; v++) { y[v] = 5 + v; gotoxy(x, y[v]); clreol(); } } y[q] = 5 + q; gotoxy(x, y[q]); clreol(); textcolor(7); printf("%d. %s", q + 1, p_List[p_count][q]); strcpy(NextSong[q], p_file[p_count][q]); } gotoxy(50, 4); printf("[%d]", p_count + 1); m_normal_text = 0; } void p_NextList() { int q; if (p_count >= MAX) { stop_flash = 0; return; } for (int q = 0; p_List[p_count][q][0]; q++) { y[q] = 5 + q; gotoxy(x, y[q]); clreol(); } p_count++; if (!p_count) { for (int q = 0; p_List[p_count][q][0]; q++) { y[q] = 5 + q; gotoxy(x, y[q]); clreol(); } } for (q = 0; p_List[p_count][q][0]; q++) { y[q] = 5 + q; gotoxy(x, y[q]); printf("%d. %s", q + 1, p_List[p_count][q]); strcpy(NextSong[q], p_file[p_count][q]); strcpy(LongFileName[q], p_List[p_count][q]); } gotoxy(50, 4); printf("[%d]", p_count + 1); } void p_PrevList() { if (p_count <= 0) return; for (int q = 0; *p_List[p_count][q]; q++) { y[q] = 5 + q; gotoxy(x, y[q]); clreol(); } p_count--; for (int t = 0; p_List[p_count][t][0]; t++) { y[t] = 5 + t; gotoxy(x, y[t]); printf("%d. %s", t + 1, p_List[p_count][t]); strcpy(NextSong[t], p_file[p_count][t]); strcpy(LongFileName[t], p_List[p_count][t]); } gotoxy(50, 4); printf("[%d]", p_count + 1); } void GetOldColor() { textcolor(7); /* return old color */ gotoxy(x, y[m_normal_text]); printf("%d. %s", m_normal_text + 1, p_List[p_count][m_normal_text]); m_normal_text = 0; } void GetSongLength() { char lpszReturnString[128]; char curr_time[128]; int h, m, s; int h1, m1, s1; memset(lpszReturnString, '\0', sizeof(lpszReturnString)); h = m = s = 0; h1 = m1 = s1 = 0; mciSendString("status song length", lpszReturnString, 128, 0); mciSendString("status song position", curr_time, 128, 0); if (lpszReturnString) { /* Get Total time */ int len = atoi(lpszReturnString); len = len / 1000; for (int count = 0; count < len; count++) { if (s == 60) { s = 0; m++; } if (m == 60) { m = 0; h++; } s++; } } if (curr_time) { /* Get current time */ int len1 = atoi(curr_time); len1 = len1 / 1000; for (int register count = 0; count < len1; count++) { if (s1 == 60) { s1 = 0; m1++; } if (m1 == 60) { m1 = 0; h1++; } s1++; } } textcolor(7); gotoxy(25, 19); printf("%s -> %02d:%02d:%02d", "Total Time", h2, m2, s2); gotoxy(25, 20); clreol(); printf("%s = %02d:%02d", "Current Time", m1, s1); gotoxy(25, 21); printf("%s = %02d:%02d", "End Time", m, s); if (m >= 60) { gotoxy(25, 21); printf("%s %d:%d:%d", "End Time", h, m, s); } } void GetTotalTimeAllSong() { char TotalTime[128]; char song[128]; char FileName[128]; unsigned int len; int h, m, s; h = m = s = 0; getlen = 0; memset(FileName, '\0', sizeof(FileName)); memset(song, '\0', sizeof(song)); memset(TotalTime, '\0', sizeof(TotalTime)); for (int n = 0; n < MAX; n++) number[n] = 0; _chdir(dirname); gotoxy(25, 10); printf("Please wait... Load Songs"); for (int start = 0; start < TotalSong; start++) { strcpy(song, "status "); strcat(song, NextSong[start]); strcat(song, " length"); strcpy(FileName, "open "); strcat(FileName, NextSong[start]); strcat(FileName, " alias song"); gotoxy(25, 14); clreol(); printf("%s", LongFileName[start]); mciSendString(FileName, 0, 0, 0); mciSendString(song, TotalTime, 128, 0); len = atoi(TotalTime); len = len / 1000; number[start] = len; strcpy(CompareNames[start], LongFileName[start]); getlen = getlen + len; mciSendString("close song", 0, 0, 0); if (kbhit()) exit(1); } for (int start = 0; start < getlen; start++) { if (s == 60) { s = 0; m++; } if (m == 60) { m = 0; h++; } if (h == 24) h = 0; s++; } h2 = h; m2 = m; s2 = s; } void GetTimeAddSong() { char lpszReturnString[128]; char FileName[128]; int count[1000]; int i; unsigned len = 0; ; int m_getlen = 0; int m_count; int put_name = 0; _chdir(dirname); gotoxy(25, 10); printf("Please wait... Load New Songs"); m_count = 0; for (i = 0; i < TotalSong; i++) { for (int st = i; i < TotalSong; i++) { if (put_name) st = st - m_count; if (!strcmp(LongFileName[i], CompareNames[st])) break; strcpy(FileName, "open "); strcat(FileName, NextSong[i]); strcat(FileName, " alias song"); mciSendString(FileName, 0, 0, 0); mciSendString("status song length", lpszReturnString, 128, 0); gotoxy(25, 14); clreol(); printf("%s", LongFileName[i]); len = atoi(lpszReturnString); len = len / 1000; number[i] = len; m_getlen = m_getlen + len; mciSendString("close song", 0, 0, 0); m_count++; put_name = 1; break; } } for (int start = 0; start < m_getlen; start++) { if (s2 == 60) { s2 = 0; m2++; } if (m2 == 60) { m2 = 0; h2++; } if (h2 == 24) h2 = 0; s2++; } } void GetTimeDelSong() { char lpszReturnString[128]; char FileName[128]; char DeleteSongs[max_num][128]; unsigned len = 0; ; int newTime = 0; int m_count = 0; int g; int a, b = 0; int put_name = 0; _chdir(dirname); for (int i = 0; i < max_num; i++) DeleteSongs[i][0] = '\0'; gotoxy(25, 10); printf("Please wait... Geting new time of songs"); for (g = 0; g < mm_time; g++) { for (int st = g; TotalSong; st++) { if (put_name) st = st - m_count; if (!strcmp(CompareNames[g], LongFileName[st])) break; strcpy(DeleteSongs[m_count], CompareNames[g]); len = number[g]; newTime = newTime + len; m_count++; put_name = 1; break; } } getlen = getlen - newTime; int h, m, s; h = m = s = 0; for (int start = 0; start < getlen; start++) { if (s == 60) { s = 0; m++; } if (m == 60) { m = 0; h++; } if (h == 24) h = 0; s++; } h2 = h; m2 = m; s2 = s; if (g <= 1) { strcpy(DeleteSongs[g], CompareNames[g]); printf("Cannot %s", DeleteSongs[g]); } clrscr(); gotoxy(20, 10); printf("some mp3 file(s) missing on your dirictory"); int a1, b1; a1 = 20; b1 = 11; for (int h = 0; h < m_count; h++) { gotoxy(a1, b1 + h); printf("%s", DeleteSongs[h]); } getch(); } void write_data() { FILE * p; int i; _chdir(old_path); mm_time = TotalSong; if ((p = fopen("length.txt", "wb")) == NULL) exit(1); fprintf(p, "%d %d %d %d %d", h2, m2, s2, mm_time, getlen); fclose(p); clrscr(); if ((p = fopen("number.txt", "wb")) == NULL) exit(1); for (int f = 0; f < TotalSong; f++) { fwrite((void*) &number[f], sizeof(int), 1, p); } fclose(p); num = 0; GetAllSong(); init(); if ((p = fopen("names.txt", "wb")) == NULL) exit(1); for (int f = 0; f < TotalSong; f++) fwrite((void*) &LongFileName[f], sizeof(char), 1024, p); fclose(p); } void Quit() { int x, y, z; char *about[128] = { "Programed by Nikolai Halachev BG E-mail:Jakomen@abv.bg", "This programe a freeware.Thank You,copyright (C) 2002" }; clrscr(); x = 15; y = 15; mciSendString("close song", 0, 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (z = 5; z < y; z++) { gotoxy(x, z); printf("%s", about[i]); gotoxy(x, z - 1); clreol(); sleep(50); } y = 14; } write_data(); sleep(500); exit(1); }
网友 2012/6/26 10:35:04 发表