我试着不再感到内疚。现在如果我要参与一个开源项目的话,我会需要某种动机。Mel Chua 在 hacker school 有过一场很棒的演讲,她说动机是由胜任力(知道如何去做!)、自主性(自己做出决定!)以及关联性(知道为何要做!)组成的。
通常会是因为相关性阻碍我参与某个开源项目–我不知道我能得到什么!Drupal 项目的例子可以很好地说明这一点。Drupal 是个非常重要的项目。以前我曾经参与过!我可以再次参与进去的!社区论坛非常友好!但现在对于我来说已经不存在相关性了–我已经不再开发网站了。
缺乏胜任力的一个例子就是前面说到的 Pidgin 项目–聊天客户端遇到了一些问题,我想要修复它,但是对于那时的我来说太难了。
Lukas Eder 是开源项目 jOOQ 的全职开发者,下面是他对 Julia Evans 文章的评论:
I’m a full-time Open Source developer (for jOOQ), and I get a lot of requests from people who would like to contribute. They’re often asking where they can start, how they should proceed, etc.
Then, I never hear from them again :-)
I think that your categorisation makes a lot of sense. The lack of relatedness is something that many people underestimate in search of The Cool. In our case, working on jOOQ means loving SQL and programming languages to the max. This can get quite boring and frustrating if there isn’t a concrete problem with a concrete database at hand.
In the end of the day, merely contributing to Open Source is much like being a customer of any other (even non-software) product. People also contribute to – say – Microsoft, to help them improve their operating system, or MS Office. It just feels great to be heard, as a customer. But since Microsoft sells commercial software, people don’t make the mistake of trying to contribute withoutrelatedness. So maybe, we should start seeing Open Source more like commercial software in general.