上一篇文章我们讲解了如何用 Fluent API 来配置/映射属性和类型,本文将把重点放在其是如何配置关系的。
public class Student { public int ID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public DateTime EnrollmentDate { get; set; } // Navigation properties public virtual Address Address { get; set; } public virtual OtherInfo OtherInfo { get; set; } public virtual ICollection<Enrollment> Enrollments { get; set; } } public class Department { public Department() { this.Courses = new HashSet<Course>(); } // Primary key public int DepartmentID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public decimal Budget { get; set; } public System.DateTime StartDate { get; set; } public int? Administrator { get; set; } // Navigation property public virtual ICollection<Course> Courses { get; private set; } } public class Course { public int CourseID { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } public int Credits { get; set; } // Foreign key public int DepartmentID { get; set; } public string DepartmentName { get; set; } public int SomeDepartmentID { get; set; } // Navigation properties public virtual Department Department { get; set; } public virtual ICollection<Enrollment> Enrollments { get; set; } public virtual ICollection<Instructor> Instructors { get; set; } } public class Instructor { public int InstructorID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public DateTime HireDate { get; set; } // Navigation properties public virtual ICollection<Course> Courses { get; set; } } public class Enrollment { public int EnrollmentID { get; set; } public int CourseID { get; set; } public int StudentID { get; set; } // Navigation property public virtual Course Course { get; set; } public virtual Student Student { get; set; } } public class Address { public int AddressId { get; set; } public string HomeAddress { get; set; } public string LiveAddress { get; set; } // Navigation property public virtual Student Student { get; set; } } public class OtherInfo { public int Id { get; set; } public string HomeAddress { get; set; } public string MailAddress { get; set; } public string PhoneNumber { get; set; } public string StudentID { get; set; } // Navigation property public virtual Student Student { get; set; } }View Code
上面是泛型类的部分方法截图,一般我们通过 Code First Fluent API 来配置实体间的关系时都是从此泛型类的实例开始,此泛型类为我们提供了大部分的关系处理方法,如必须的 HasRequired ,可选的 HasOptional ,多个的 HasMany .
上面所有方法(除了 HasMany, HasOptional, HasRequired )的返回值都是泛型类 EntityTypeConfiguration<TEntityType> 的实例本身,这给链式操作提供了极大地方便.
HasRequired, HasOptional, HasMany 这三个方法的参数都是一个 lambda expression, 只不过前两个用于表示实体关系(Relationship)间的导航属性(navigation property),后一个则是导航属性的集合(Collection)
HasRequired, HasOptional, HasMany 这三个方法的返回值都是可以继续进行配置的泛型类实例,虽然名称不同,方法名也略有不同,但方法主体所体现的思想是一致的
三个泛型类都有类似于如下三个方法 WithRequired, WithOptional, WithMany, 这三个方法都提供了重载的无参版本,有参方法的参数也都是一个 lambda expression, 前两个用于表示实体关系(Relationship)间的导航属性(navigation property),后一个则是导航属性的集合(Collection)
接下来,你可以使用方法 HasForeignKey 继续配置外键属性,方法的参数仍然是一个 lambda expression, 只不过代表一个属性
public CascadableNavigationPropertyConfiguration HasForeignKey<TKey>(Expression<Func<TDependentEntityType, TKey>> foreignKeyExpression);
其它两个类主要包含方法 Map ,如下
public CascadableNavigationPropertyConfiguration Map(Action<ForeignKeyAssociationMappingConfiguration> configurationAction);
public ManyToManyNavigationPropertyConfiguration<TEntityType, TTargetEntityType> Map(Action<ManyToManyAssociationMappingConfiguration> configurationAction); public ManyToManyNavigationPropertyConfiguration<TEntityType, TTargetEntityType> MapToStoredProcedures(); public ManyToManyNavigationPropertyConfiguration<TEntityType, TTargetEntityType> MapToStoredProcedures(Action<ManyToManyModificationStoredProceduresConfiguration<TEntityType, TTargetEntityType>> modificationStoredProcedureMappingConfigurationAction);
public void WillCascadeOnDelete(); public void WillCascadeOnDelete(bool value);
Configuring Relationships
// Map one-to-zero or one relationship modelBuilder.Entity<OtherInfo>() .HasRequired(t => t.Student) .WithOptional(t => t.OtherInfo);
// Map one-to-one relationship modelBuilder.Entity<Address>() .HasRequired(t => t.Student) .WithRequiredPrincipal(t => t.Address);
// Map one-to-many relationship modelBuilder.Entity<Student>() .HasMany(t => t.Enrollments) .WithRequired(t => t.Student);
// Map one-to-many relationship modelBuilder.Entity<Course>() .HasMany(t => t.Instructors) .WithMany(t => t.Courses);
// Map one-to-many relationship modelBuilder.Entity<Course>() .HasMany(t => t.Instructors) .WithMany(t => t.Courses) .Map(m => { m.ToTable("CourseInstructor"); m.MapLeftKey("CourseID"); m.MapRightKey("InstructorID"); });
如果关系是单向的,即两个实体间只在一个实体上定义导航属性。Code First Conventions 能够自动推断这种关系为 one-to-many .
例如你想在 Student 和 Address 两个实体间建立 one-to-one 关系,而且只在 Address 实体上包含导航属性,此时你就需要用 Code First Fluent API 配置这种关系
// Map one-to-one relationship modelBuilder.Entity<Address>() .HasRequired(t => t.Student) .WithRequiredPrincipal();
你可以使用 WillCascadeOnDelete 来级联删除关系,如果从属主体上的外键是 not nullable, 那么 Code First 将设置级联删除,否则将不会设置级联删除,而只是仅仅把外键设置成 null
在 Code First Conventions 下是这样移除级联删除的
Code First Fluent API 的方式如下
// Cascade Delete modelBuilder.Entity<Course>() .HasRequired(t => t.Department) .WithMany(t => t.Courses) .HasForeignKey(d => d.DepartmentID) .WillCascadeOnDelete(false);
如果设置 Department 的主键为组合主键 DepartmentID, Name,则可以通过 Fluent API 为 Course 指定组合外键
// Composite primary key modelBuilder.Entity<Department>() .HasKey(d => new { d.DepartmentID, d.Name }); // Composite foreign key modelBuilder.Entity<Course>() .HasRequired(c => c.Department) .WithMany(d => d.Courses) .HasForeignKey(d => new { d.DepartmentID, d.DepartmentName });
// Renaming a Foreign Key That Is Not Defined in the Model modelBuilder.Entity<Course>() .HasRequired(c => c.Department) .WithMany(t => t.Courses) .Map(m => m.MapKey("ChangedDepartmentID"));
如果从属实体上的外键属性名不符合 Code First Conventions 的规范,意即从属实体上没有外键,你可以通过如下方式来指定
// Configuring a Foreign Key Name That Does Not Follow the Code First Convention modelBuilder.Entity<Course>() .HasRequired(c => c.Department) .WithMany(d => d.Courses) .HasForeignKey(c => c.SomeDepartmentID);