这种方式最简单,在action 中创建需要的属性,然后添加getter 、setter 方法:
代码清单1 :
package com.coderdream.action; public class Login1Action { private String username ; private String password ; public String getUsername() { return username ; } public void setUsername(String username) { this .username = username; } public String getPassword() { return password ; } public void setPassword(String password) { this .password = password; } public String execute() { if ("aaa" .equalsIgnoreCase(username .trim()) && "123" .equalsIgnoreCase(password .trim())) { return "success" ; } else { return "failure" ; } } }?
在jsp 中调用(输入):
代码清单 2 : login.jsp 片段
1 、利用 action 类的属性接收用户输入: < br /> < form action =" <%= path%> /login1.action" method ="POST" > 姓名: < input type ="text" name ="username " > < br /> 密码: < input type ="text" name ="password " > < br /> < input type ="submit" name =" 登录 " > < br /> </ form > ?
在jsp 中调用(输出):
代码清单 3 : login1Suc.jsp 片段
欢迎 < s:property value ="username " /> ,登录成功!
先创建VO 对象,在对象中创建需要的属性,然后添加getter 、setter 方法:
代码清单 4 :
package com.coderdream.vo; public class User { private String username ; private String password ; public String getUsername() { return username ; } public void setUsername(String username) { this .username = username; } public String getPassword() { return password ; } public void setPassword(String password) { this .password = password; } }?
在action 中创建User 对象,并添加该对象的getter 、setter 方法:
代码清单 5 :
package com.coderdream.action; import com.coderdream.vo.User; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action; public class Login2Action implements Action { private User user ; public User getUser() { return user ; } public void setUser(User user) { this .user = user; } public String execute() { if ("aaa" .equalsIgnoreCase(user .getUsername().trim()) && "123" .equalsIgnoreCase(user .getPassword().trim())) { return SUCCESS ; } else { return INPUT ; } } }
在jsp 中调用,需要使用user 对象名(输入):
代码清单 6 : login.jsp 片段
2 、利用领域对象( VO )接收用户输入: < br /> < form action =" <%= path%> /login2.action" method ="POST" > 姓名: < input type ="text" name ="user.username " > < br /> 密码: < input type ="text" name ="user.password " > < br /> < input type ="submit" name =" 登录 " > < br /> </ form >?
在jsp 中调用,需要使用user 对象名(输出):
代码清单 7 : login1Suc.jsp 片段
欢迎 < s:property value ="user.username " /> ,登录成功!?
com.opensymphony.xwork2 Interface ModelDriven <T> public interface ModelDriven<T>ModelDriven Actions provide a model object to be pushed onto the ValueStack in addition to the Action itself, allowing a FormBean type approach like Struts.?
然后在action 中创建需要的模型,最后实现getModel() 方法:
代码清单 8 :
package com.coderdream.action; import com.coderdream.vo.User; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ModelDriven; public class Login3Action extends ActionSupport implements ModelDriven<User> { private User user = new User(); public User getModel() { return user ; } public String execute() { if ("aaa" .equalsIgnoreCase(user .getUsername().trim()) && "123" .equalsIgnoreCase(user .getPassword().trim())) { return SUCCESS ; } else { return INPUT ; } } }
在jsp 中调用,不需要使用User 对象,直接通过属性名获取(输入):
代码清单 9 : login.jsp 片段
3 、使用 ModelDriven 模式接收用户输入: < br /> < form action =" <%= path%> /login3.action" method ="POST" > 姓名: < input type ="text" name ="username " > < br /> 密码: < input type ="text" name ="password " > < br /> < input type ="submit" name =" 登录 " > < br /> </ form >?
在jsp 中调用,不需要使用User 对象,直接通过属性名获取(输出):
代码清单 10 : login1Suc.jsp 片段
欢迎 < s:property value ="username " /> ,登录成功!