jQuery 1.4.4 正式版发布_产品技术_新闻资讯_程序员俱乐部

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jQuery 1.4.4 正式版发布

 2010/11/14 10:25:29    开源中国社区  我要评论(0)
  • 摘要:下载地址:jQueryMinified(26kbGzipped)jQueryRegular(179kb)详细改进内容:(New)Addedanewanimationmethod,.fadeToggle()(Enh)Calling.data()withnoargumentsnowincludesdatafromHTML5data-attributes(#7222)(Enh)MovedjQuery.propsfromsupport.jstoattributes.js(#6897)(Enh)
  • 标签:jQuery 正式版


  • jQuery Minified (26kb Gzipped)
  • jQuery Regular (179kb)


  • (New) Added a new animation method,.fadeToggle()
  • (Enh) Calling .data()with no arguments now includes data from HTML5 data- attributes (#7222)
  • (Enh) Moved jQuery.props from support.js to attributes.js (#6897)
  • (Enh).width() and .height() now report the width and height of hidden elements (#7225)
  • (Bug) stopImmediatePropagation was not being honoured in live/delegate event handlers (#7217)
  • (Bug) Fixed an issue where host and protocol were not compared case-insensitivelywhen determining whether an AJAX request was local or remote (#6908)
  • (Bug) Fixed an issue where the “clone”variable was not being declared correctly(#7226)
  • (Bug) Fixed a bug where we only change the ID on nodes that don’t already have an ID for rooted qSA (#7212)
  • (Bug) Limited the scope of the CSS ‘auto’ change to just height/width (#7393)
  • (Bug) Fixed a bug to ensure that unquoted attribute selectors are quoted (allowing them to go into qSA/matchesSelector properly). Fixes (#7216)
  • (Bug) Fixed a bug to ensure that if additional load events are triggered (eg. an iframe being dynamically injected in DOM ready) the ready event isn’t triggered twice (#7352).
  • (Bug) Fixed a condition that prevents attr from working on non-Element nodes (#7451).
  • (Bug) Changing an HTML5 data attribute after calling .data(‘foo’) no longer causes .data(‘foo’) to also change (#7223)
  • (Bug) Fixed a bug where Opera didn’t give height/width of display: none elements with getComputedStyle but did with currentStyle – fall back to that if it exists added.
  • (Bug) Fixed a bug to ensure accessing computed CSS for elements returns ‘auto’ instead of ” consistently(#7337)

It also fixes a number of regressions in 1.4.3. One that caused:

  • (Bug) JSONP calls to fail when cleaning up after a callback (#7196)
  • (Bug).removeData() to fail (#7209)
  • (Bug)“ready” events to fire twice when added using .bind(“ready”, foo)(#7247)
  • (Bug)  .css(‘width’) and .css(‘height’) to return 0 or negative values when trying to get the style of a hidden or disconnected element (#7225)
  • (Bug) the attribute not equals selector ([foo!=bar]) to not work in Firefox(#7243)
  • (Bug) find() to fail when selecting from forms containing inputs named “id”(#7212)
  • (Bug).children(selector) to fail on XML documents (#7219)
  • (Bug) child (>), next sibling (+), and previous sibling (~) selectors to fail when combined with non-CSS pseudo-selectors like :last (#7220)
  • (Bug) an error “handler is null” to be raised when passing null as the event handler (#7229)
  • (Bug) it to be impossible to include a content-bodywith DELETE requests (#7285)
  • (Bug) it to be impossible to include data with HEAD requests (#7285)
  • (Bug) an issue where IE was firing click events on disabled elements when using live/delegate (#6911)
  • (Bug).show() to fail if .hide()was first called on an already-hidden element (#7331)
  • (Bug).show() to fail if an element was hidden in a stylesheet, then had .css(‘display’) manually set prior to calling .show()(#7315)
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