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 2013/9/21 23:08:46  wbj0110  程序员俱乐部  我要评论(0)
  • 摘要:gzip是GNUzip的缩写,它是一个GNU自由软件的文件压缩程序,也经常用来表示gzip这种文件格式。HTTP/1.1协议允许客户端可以选择要求从服务器下载压缩内容,这个标准本身定义了两种压缩方法:“gzip”(内容用gzip数据流进行封装)以及“deflate”(内容是原始格式、没有数据头的DEFLATE数据流)。许多HTTP客户端库以及绝大多数当今的浏览器都支持这两种格式。在用户浏览器发送请求的HTTP头中,带有“Accept-Encoding:gzip
  • 标签:使用 压缩 网页

gzipGNU zip的缩写,它是一个GNU自由软件的文件压缩程序,也经常用来表示gzip这种文件格式。

HTTP/1.1协议允许客户端可以选择要求从服务器下载压缩内容,这个标准本身定义了两种压缩方法:“gzip”(内容用gzip数据流进行封装)以及“deflate”(内容是原始格式、没有数据头的DEFLATE数据流)。许多HTTP客户端库以及绝大多数当今的浏览器都支持这两种格式。在用户浏览器发送请求的HTTP头中,? 带有“Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate”参数则表明支持gzip和deflate两种压缩算法


-c,–stdout 将解压缩的内容输出到标准输出,原文件保持不变

-d,–decompress 解压缩

-f,–force 强制覆盖旧文件

-l,–list 列出压缩包内储存的原始文件的信息(如,解压后的名字、压缩率等)

-n,–no-name 压缩时不保存原始文件的文件名和时间戳,解压缩时不恢复原始文件的文件名和时间戳(此时,解出来的文件,其文件名为压缩包的文件名)

-N,–name 压缩时保存原始文件的文件名和时间戳,解压缩时恢复原始文件的文件名和时间戳

-q,–quiet 抑制所有警告信息

-r,–recursive 递归

-t,–test 测试压缩文件完整性

-v,–verbose 冗余模式(即显示每一步的执行内容)

-1、-2、…、-9 压缩率依次增大,速度依次减慢,默认为-6


  1. Gzip不仅可以对HTML、PHP等文件进行压缩,对CSS,JS等文件同样也可以;
  2. Gzip压缩会增加服务器的负载;
  3. 不要使用Gzip对非文本(图片,视频,音频等)文件进行压缩;
  4. 有选择性的使用Gzip压缩(对文本代码较多的页面进行压缩);
  5. 并不是最高的压缩率,压缩的文件就最小;
  6. IIS,Apache1.3,Apache2.0+启用Gizp,配置方法是不同的;
  7. 开启Gizp压缩模块的虚拟主机(如Godaddy),只要加载了Zlib库,同样可以实现;




?* The mkdir function does not support the recursive
?* parameter in the version of PHP run by Yahoo! Web
?* Hosting. This function simulates it.

function mkdir_r( $dir_name, $rights=0777 ) {
?? $dirs = explode( "/", $dir_name );
?? $dir = "";
?? foreach ( $dirs as $part ) {
?????? $dir .= $part . "/";
?????? if ( !is_dir( $dir ) && strlen( $dir ) > 0 )
?????????? mkdir( $dir, $rights );
?? }

?* List of known content types based on file extension.
?* Note: These must be built-in somewhere...

$known_content_types = array(
??? "htm"? => "text/html",
??? "html" => "text/html",
??? "js"?? => "text/javascript",
??? "css"? => "text/css",
??? "xml"? => "text/xml",
??? "gif"? => "image/gif",
??? "jpg"? => "image/jpeg",
??? "jpeg" => "image/jpeg",
??? "png"? => "image/png",
??? "txt"? => "text/plain"

?* Get the path of the target file.

if ( !isset( $_GET["uri"] ) ) {
??? header( "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request" );
??? echo( "<html><body><h1>HTTP 400 - Bad Request</h1></body></html>" );
??? exit;

?* Verify the existence of the target file.
?* Return HTTP 404 if needed.

if (($src_uri = realpath( $_GET["uri"] )) === false) {
??? /* The file does not exist */
??? header( "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found" );
??? echo( "<html><body><h1>HTTP 404 - Not Found</h1></body></html>" );
??? exit;

?* Verify the requested file is under the doc root for security reasons.

$doc_root = realpath( "." );

if (strpos($src_uri, $doc_root) !== 0) {
??? header( "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" );
??? echo( "<html><body><h1>HTTP 403 - Forbidden</h1></body></html>" );
??? exit;

?* Set the HTTP response headers that will
?* tell the client to cache the resource.

$file_last_modified = filemtime( $src_uri );
header( "Last-Modified: " . date( "r", $file_last_modified ) );

$max_age = 300 * 24 * 60 * 60; // 300 days

$expires = $file_last_modified + $max_age;
header( "Expires: " . date( "r", $expires ) );

$etag = dechex( $file_last_modified );
header( "ETag: " . $etag );

$cache_control = "must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, max-age=" . $max_age . ", s-maxage=" . $max_age;
header( "Cache-Control: " . $cache_control );

?* Check if the client should use the cached version.
?* Return HTTP 304 if needed.

if ( function_exists( "http_match_etag" ) && function_exists( "http_match_modified" ) ) {
??? if ( http_match_etag( $etag ) || http_match_modified( $file_last_modified ) ) {
??????? header( "HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified" );
??????? exit;
??? }
} else {
??? error_log( "The HTTP extensions to PHP does not seem to be installed..." );

?* Extract the directory, file name and file
?* extension from the "uri" parameter.

$uri_dir = "";
$file_name = "";
$content_type = "";

$uri_parts = explode( "/", $src_uri );

for ( $i=0 ; $i<count( $uri_parts ) - 1 ; $i++ )
??? $uri_dir .= $uri_parts[$i] . "/";

$file_name = end( $uri_parts );

$file_parts = explode( ".", $file_name );
if ( count( $file_parts ) > 1 ) {
??? $file_extension = end( $file_parts );
??? $content_type = $known_content_types[$file_extension];

?* Get the target file.
?* If the browser accepts gzip encoding, the target file
?* will be the gzipped version of the requested file.

$dst_uri = $src_uri;

$compress = true;

?* Let's compress only text files...

$compress = $compress && ( strpos( $content_type, "text" ) !== false );

?* Finally, see if the client sent us the correct Accept-encoding: header value...

$compress = $compress && ( strpos( $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"], "gzip" ) !== false );

if ( $compress ) {
??? $gz_uri = "tmp/gzip/" . $src_uri . ".gz";

??? if ( file_exists( $gz_uri ) ) {
??????? $src_last_modified = filemtime( $src_uri );
??????? $dst_last_modified = filemtime( $gz_uri );
??????? // The gzip version of the file exists, but it is older
??????? // than the source file. We need to recreate it...
??????? if ( $src_last_modified > $dst_last_modified )
??????????? unlink( $gz_uri );
??? }

??? if ( !file_exists( $gz_uri ) ) {
??????? if ( !file_exists( "tmp/gzip/" . $uri_dir ) )
??????????? mkdir_r( "tmp/gzip/" . $uri_dir );
??????? $error = false;
??????? if ( $fp_out = gzopen( $gz_uri, "wb" ) ) {
??????????? if ( $fp_in = fopen( $src_uri, "rb" ) ) {
??????????????? while( !feof( $fp_in ) )
??????????????????? gzwrite( $fp_out, fread( $fp_in, 1024*512 ) );
??????????????? fclose( $fp_in );
??????????? } else {
??????????????? $error = true;
??????????? }
??????????? gzclose( $fp_out );
??????? } else {
??????????? $error = true;
??????? }

??????? if ( !$error ) {
??????????? $dst_uri = $gz_uri;
??????????? header( "Content-Encoding: gzip" );
??????? }
??? } else {
??????? $dst_uri = $gz_uri;
??????? header( "Content-Encoding: gzip" );
??? }

?* Output the target file and set the appropriate HTTP headers.

if ( $content_type )
??? header( "Content-Type: " . $content_type );

header( "Content-Length: " . filesize( $dst_uri ) );
readfile( $dst_uri );


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