微软今天在SQL Azure Lab发表了一个新工具,目前正在招募测试人员,它的开发代号是 "Data Explorer",顾名思义这是一个可以访问SQL Server数据库、电子表格和其它来源以进行数据整理、整合和共享的工具,它可以识别各种来源的数据并挖掘出你感兴趣的部分,同时通过Azure的可视化服务进行共享,以便更好地利用数据。
With "Data Explorer" you can:
Identify the data you care about from the sources you work with (e.g. Excel spreadsheets, files, SQL Server databases).
Discover relevant data and services via automatic recommendations from the Windows Azure Marketplace.
Enrich your data by combining it and visualizing the results.
Collaborate with your colleagues to refine the data.
Publish the results to share them with others or power solutions.
In short, we help you harness the richness of data on the Web to generate new insights.
有了 "Data Explorer",你可以做什么?