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 2010/11/3 10:59:42    《英文21世纪报》  我要评论(0)
  • 摘要:少林功夫不敌网络黑客不久前,少林寺网站首页贴出一张仿冒的“悔过书”,少林寺方丈释永信则成为这场网络骗局的受害者。ShiYongxin,theabbotoftheShaolinTemple,fellvictimtoanonlinehoaxinwhichthefrontpageofthetemple'swebsitewasreplacedwithafakeletterofremorse。“悔过书”于周三清晨出现,书中写道:&ldquo
  • 标签:双语 网络黑客
黑客" alt="少林功夫不敌网络黑客" src="/Upload/Images/2010110310/AB8AFB32DA15C584.jpg" /> 少林功夫不敌网络黑客


  Shi Yongxin, the abbot of the Shaolin Temple, fell victim to an online hoax in which the front page of the temple's website was replaced with a fake letter of remorse。


  "I traded the monastery's tranquility and holy Buddhism for the fame of Shaolin and myself," said the post, which appeared early Wednesday morning。


  It accused Shi of commercializing the 1,000-year-old temple during his 10 years at the helm, staining the religion's reputation and breaching its fundamental discipline。


  It was the second cyber attack in one week against the website and was meant to damage the temple's reputation, said an employee from the legal affairs department of a company affiliated with Shaolin. He refused to give his name。


  "We have reported this attack to the police," he said on the phone. "The website will reopen with an official statement in two or three days."


  But he did not disclose the details of the statement and refused to comment on the identities of possible attackers。


  It was not clear whether Shi has knowledge of the attack。


  The post was picked up by a number of media outlets and spread across China's cyber world。


  The site has been inaccessible since Wednesday morning as its operators shut it down for investigation。


  Shi has made a name for himself and the Shaolin temple by establishing at least five businesses using the Shaolin name in the past decade。

  他还于2006年举办“功夫之星”电视大赛,接待中国 “旅游小姐” 选美比赛参赛选手,接待外国政要,结交好莱坞明星。

  He also launched the "Kung Fu Star" reality competition in 2006, received contestants from a Chinese beauty pageant called "Miss Tourism", met foreign politicians and made friends with Hollywood celebrities。


  But Shi's successes have also drawn criticism. There have been reports he wears a 160,000-yuan ($23,400) designer robe and has housed a mistress。


  Shi has never admitted to these claims

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