10. Woody Harrelson 伍迪·哈里森
Woody Harrelson has had quite a year, ranging from his quirky crowd-pleasing role in Zombieland to his award-worthy performance in The Messenger to his indie spotlight in Defendor. Then there is 2012. Harrelson does a delightful job of schlocking it up as a conspiracy theorist
that lives in a RV camper turned-radio station in Yellowstone NationalPark. He is one of the few characters that knows exactly what kind ofmovie he is in as he recites classics such as, “download my blog!”
9. Cracks of Perfection 裂得刚刚好
It’s not enough to just blow up the world; Roland Emmerich must do it with precision. Early in the film massive
cracks appear in the San Andreas Fault right underneath a supermarketwhere Amanda Peet and her new boyfriend, played by Tom McCarthy, areshopping. McCarthy says, “Honey, I feel like there is something pullingus apart,” and moments later the cracks rip in between them. If youthink that takes the cake, later in the film a crack rips directlythrough Adam and God’s extended fingers in Michelangelo’s SistineChapel painting。
8. Plot Holes Galore 电影就是巧合她妈生的
One may think Star Trek has little similarities with 2012 but in a latter scene where John Cusack’s group crash landsand is within walking distance of a group of Tibetan characters iseerily similar to a meet-up between Captain Kirk and Spock in Abram’ssummer blockbuster. Other disturbances in plot range from a plastic surgeon being able to fly two different types of planes through impossible situations and Chiwetel Ejiofor’s character knowing all about Cusack during their first meet-up. I don’t want to give them all up as itbecomes quite a fun game picking out your favorites while you enjoy the film。
7. Last Minute Calls To Loved Ones 人之将死……
You know those scenes where a character plasters their previously subdued emotions all over the screen right before they die? That happens topretty much every character in 2012. Whether it is the president’s callto his daughter, an Indian family calling their friend (Ejiofor),Oliver Platt’s call to his mother or two underdeveloped jazz playersreaching out to lost connections, there is enough palpable forced emotion in the film to satisfy the rest of Emmerich’s career.
6. Arnold Impersonation 拿阿诺州长开玩笑
If you thought the terrible Arnold impersonation was bad, you are in for atreat as it is slightly extended and feeding the film with hilariouslines like “He’s just an actor! He’s reading a script!”
5. Danny Glover as President 让Danny Glover演美国总统
大家每次看到Danny Glover都希望是摩根·弗里曼来取代他。Glover忒一本正经了,反倒整得台词有点小搞笑。他的那些个台词写得真不咋地,应该找给奥巴马写演讲稿的人来写,不过人家可能要收好多……好多酬金。
Everytime Danny Glover is on screen one can’t help but wonder how bad everyone wanted Morgan Freeman instead. Glover is so damn serious andnoble as he delivers every line that it makes for some pure hilarity.The script he is given is so bad that we wonder if they couldn’t have just hired Obama’s speech writers as part of the $250 million dollars budget。
4. Gymnastic Dog 平衡木狗狗!
I know the Winter Olympics are coming up, but I hope they can reserve a spot on the 2012 Summer Olympic gymnastic squad for the acrobatic dog in the film. As if you haven’t had enough already, around the 2 hour and 15 minute mark, you witness only a spectacle Emmerich could pull off that is reminiscent of another dog sequence in Independence Day。
3. “It’s Russian” 咱俄罗斯造滴!
The Russian characters in the film prove to be hilarious, but nothing comes close to the demise of Yuri, the leader of the pack. In a slow motion scene screaming withemotion, Yuri throws one of his annoying children up on a bridge to besaved as he falls to his demise. It’s the most “LOL”-worthy scene of the year。
2. Last Second Escapes 所有的千钧一发
Although the film is basically strung together with these desperate escapes, there are a few notable ones. The first, as Cusack and his family are on board a plane that is mere seconds away from collapsing into the abyss, sets the bar. The rest live up to that bar as planes dodge in between buildings, out of dust clouds and over ledges.There are more “AAAAHHHHH’s” and “NO NO NO NO NO’s!” then all of Bay’sfilms combined and I think Emmerich deserves something for that。
1. Rejoicing after Billions of Deaths 悲极生乐
When almost every single person you are close to dies in a fiery blaze or drowns in a massive tsunami, what would you do? Celebrate! At least that is what the array of characters in 2012 do. Sure, they end up saving humanity, but after over 2 hours and 30 minutes of complete destruction of every national landmark and 99% of all human beings it’s damn near impossible to connect with their unabashed joy.