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 2013/7/21 16:02:24  zhangzhenjj  程序员俱乐部  我要评论(0)
  • 摘要:这里的代码来源于StackOverflow,前几天面试,有个上机题,要求考虑多核的特性对一亿长度的随机整数数组进行排序,当时的想法和这个代码一样,因为排序算法中,快排比较适合多线程实现,所以回来后在StackOverflow找到了这部分代码。其中关键点在这里,注意第四行privatevoidquicksort(intpLeft,intpRight){if(pLeft<pRight){intstoreIndex=partition(pLeft,pRight);if(count.get(
  • 标签:多线程 线程
这里的代码来源于Stack Overflow,前几天面试,有个上机题,要求考虑多核的特性对一亿长度的随机整数数组进行排序,当时的想法和这个代码一样,因为排序算法中,快排比较适合多线程实现,所以回来后在Stack Overflow 找到了这部分代码。其中关键点在这里,注意第四行
class="java" name="code">
private void quicksort(int pLeft, int pRight) {
            if (pLeft < pRight) {
                int storeIndex = partition(pLeft, pRight);
                if (count.get() >= FALLBACK * N_THREADS) {
                    quicksort(pLeft, storeIndex - 1);
                    quicksort(storeIndex + 1, pRight);
                } else {
                    pool.execute(new QuicksortRunnable<T>(values, pLeft, storeIndex - 1, count));
                    pool.execute(new QuicksortRunnable<T>(values, storeIndex + 1, pRight, count));

public class Sorter {
     * Number of threads to use for sorting.
    private static final int N_THREADS = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();

     * Multiple to use when determining when to fall back.
    private static final int FALLBACK = 2;

     * Thread pool used for executing sorting Runnables.
    private static Executor pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(N_THREADS);

     * Main method used for sorting from clients. Input is sorted in place using multiple threads.
     * @param input The array to sort.
     * @param <T>   The type of the objects being sorted, must extend Comparable.
    public static <T extends Comparable<T>> void quicksort(T[] input) {
        final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(1);
        pool.execute(new QuicksortRunnable<T>(input, 0, input.length - 1, count));
        try {
            synchronized (count) {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

     * Sorts a section of an array using quicksort. The method used is not technically recursive as it just creates new
     * runnables and hands them off to the ThreadPoolExecutor.
     * @param <T> The type of the objects being sorted, must extend Comparable.
    private static class QuicksortRunnable<T extends Comparable<T>> implements Runnable {
         * The array being sorted.
        private final T[] values;
         * The starting index of the section of the array to be sorted.
        private final int left;
         * The ending index of the section of the array to be sorted.
        private final int right;
         * The number of threads currently executing.
        private final AtomicInteger count;

         * Default constructor. Sets up the runnable object for execution.
         * @param values The array to sort.
         * @param left   The starting index of the section of the array to be sorted.
         * @param right  The ending index of the section of the array to be sorted.
         * @param count  The number of currently executing threads.
        public QuicksortRunnable(T[] values, int left, int right, AtomicInteger count) {
            this.values = values;
            this.left = left;
            this.right = right;
            this.count = count;

         * The thread's run logic. When this thread is done doing its stuff it checks to see if all other threads are as
         * well. If so, then we notify the count object so Sorter.quicksort stops blocking.
        public void run() {
            quicksort(left, right);
            synchronized (count) {
                // AtomicInteger.getAndDecrement() returns the old value. If the old value is 1, then we know that the actual value is 0.
                if (count.getAndDecrement() == 1)

         * Method which actually does the sorting. Falls back on recursion if there are a certain number of queued /
         * running tasks.
         * @param pLeft  The left index of the sub array to sort.
         * @param pRight The right index of the sub array to sort.
        private void quicksort(int pLeft, int pRight) {
            if (pLeft < pRight) {
                int storeIndex = partition(pLeft, pRight);
                if (count.get() >= FALLBACK * N_THREADS) {
                    quicksort(pLeft, storeIndex - 1);
                    quicksort(storeIndex + 1, pRight);
                } else {
                    pool.execute(new QuicksortRunnable<T>(values, pLeft, storeIndex - 1, count));
                    pool.execute(new QuicksortRunnable<T>(values, storeIndex + 1, pRight, count));

         * Partitions the portion of the array between indexes left and right, inclusively, by moving all elements less
         * than values[pivotIndex] before the pivot, and the equal or greater elements after it.
         * @param pLeft
         * @param pRight
         * @return The final index of the pivot value.
        private int partition(int pLeft, int pRight) {
            T pivotValue = values[pRight];
            int storeIndex = pLeft;
            for (int i = pLeft; i < pRight; i++) {
                if (values[i].compareTo(pivotValue) < 0) {
                    swap(i, storeIndex);
            swap(storeIndex, pRight);
            return storeIndex;

         * Simple swap method.
         * @param left  The index of the first value to swap with the second value.
         * @param right The index of the second value to swap with the first value.
        private void swap(int left, int right) {
            T temp = values[left];
            values[left] = values[right];
            values[right] = temp;
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