logs_code_copy">$(function($,win){ if(!win.mvc){ var AjaxManage = (function() { var instantiated; var Ajax = function(){ this.oAjaxSetting = { sDataType: 'JSON', sGetType: 'get', //ms iTimeOut: 8000, bAsync:true } }; Ajax.prototype = { fnDoAjax: function(oPts) { oPts = $.extend({}, this.oAjaxSetting, oPts); var url = oPts.url, iTimeOut = oPts.iTimeOut,sGetType = oPts.sGetType,sDataType = oPts.sDataType, oParams = oPts.oParams || null, bAsync = oPts.bAsync; try { $.ajax({ url: url, timeout: iTimeOut, type: sGetType, data: oParams, dataType: sDataType, cache: false, async:bAsync, oPts : oPts, success: function(data) { var fnSuccess = this.oPts.fnSuccess; if(fnSuccess && $.isFunction(fnSuccess)){fnSuccess(data);} }, complete: function() { var fnComplete = this.oPts.fnComplete; if(fnComplete && $.isFunction(fnComplete)){fnComplete();} }, error: function (jqXHR) { var fnError = this.oPts.fnError; if(fnError && $.isFunction(fnError)){fnError();} else {//default error } } }); } catch(e){ //default error } } } if (!instantiated) { instantiated = new Ajax(); } return instantiated; }()); var Model = function(oData){ var data = oData || {}; this.set = function(key,value){ data[key] = value; var change = this.change; if(change && $.isFunction(change)){change(key);}//do change fun }; this.getDataFromKey = function(key){ return data[key] || null; }; this.clear = function(){ data = {}; var fnRemove = this.fnRemove; if(fnRemove && $.isFunction(fnRemove)){fnRemove();}//do change fun }; this.isNull = function(){ return data === {}; }; this.haveKey = function(key){ return { 'isHave': (data[key] ? true:false), 'result': data[key] || null }; }; this.get = function(url,params){ //demo var fnSuccess = function(oData){ data = oData; }; AjaxManage.fnDoAjax({ url : url, fnSuccess : fnSuccess, oParams : params }); }; function sync(url,params,type){ var fnSuccess = function(oData){ console.log('do success'); }; AjaxManage.fnDoAjax({ url : url, fnSuccess : fnSuccess, sGetType : type, oParams : params }); } this.put = function(url,params){ sync(url,params,'put'); } this.delete = function(url,params){ sync(url,params,'delete'); } this.post = function(url,params){ sync(url,params,'post'); } if(this.initialize && $.isFunction(this.initialize)){ this.initialize(); } } Model.prototype = { change : function(){}, fnRemove : function(){} } var View = function(model){ if(this.initialize && $.isFunction(this.initialize)){ this.initialize(model); } }; View.prototype = { render:function(){} } var Collection = function(){ var arrayView = []; this.add = function(model,view){ var _view = new view(model); arrayView.push(_view); }; this.delete = function(_view){//with model var index = arrayView.indexOf(_view); _view.model.clear(); arrayView.splice(index, 1); }; this.getArrayView = function(){ return arrayView; } if(this.initialize && $.isFunction(this.initialize)){ this.initialize(); } }; Collection.prototype = { render:function(){} } function extend (fn,obj){ obj = obj||{}; for(var i in obj){ if(obj.hasOwnProperty(i)){ fn.prototype[i] = obj[i]; } } } win.mvc = { Model: { extend:function(obj){ extend(Model,obj); return Model; } }, View: { extend:function(obj){ extend(View,obj); return View; } }, Collection: { extend:function(obj){ extend(Collection,obj); return Collection; } } } } }(jQuery,window));
var trendView = mvc.View.extend({ el:'#trends', template:{ trendImg: '<div class="trend-img">' }, changeFn:{ trendInfo:function(){ } }, enevtsFn: { displayditTrends:function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var $ele = $(this).find('.trend-img div'); e.type == 'mouseover' ? $ele.show() : $ele.hide(); } }, remove:function(){ }, events:function(){ var that = this, enevtsFn = that.enevtsFn; $('#trends').find('.trend-content').unbind().bind('mouseover mouseleave',enevtsFn.displayditTrends); }, render:function(){ var that = this, model = that.model; var $div = $('<div class="trend-content"></div>'); aInnerHtml.push(trendImg_T); that.events();//bind enevts }, change:function(key){ this.changeFn[key](); }, initialize:function(model){ this.model = model; //this.render(); } });
var trendsModel = mvc.Model.extend(); var _model = new trendsModel({ sadas:{ 'dasdasd':{ trendName:'test', editorName:'blue', trendDescription:'just test' } } }); var _model1 = new trendsModel({ sadas:{ 'dasdasd':{ trendName:'test1', editorName:'blue11', trendDescription:'just test' } } });
var trendList = mvc.Collection.extend({ arrayView : [], render:function(){ var aView = this.getArrayView() || [], len = aView.length; if(len > 0){ for(var i = 0;i<len; i++){ var view = aView[i]; view.render(); } } }, initialize:function(){ }}); var _trendList = new trendList(); _trendList.add(_model1,trendView); _trendList.add(_model,trendView); _trendList.render();