16.how many type of jdbc drivers? (因为之前不知道,所以叽歪了半天不同的vendor不同的jdbc之类的,哈哈哈,google如下) Type 1: JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver (Bridge) Type 2: Native-API/partly Java driver (Native) Type 3: All Java/Net-protocol driver (Middleware) Type 4: All Java/Native-protocol driver (Pure) http://www.jdbc-tutorial.com/jdbc-driver-types.htm
17. what's the different of string and stringbuffer. 这个我还是知道的。。。
18.what's the different of hashtable and hashmap.. 叽歪了一下,反正答错了
19.different of pass by value and pass by reference. which type java using?
20.what is immutable object?
然后问我有什么问题 1.how hp think about carrer development? list some different level, and step by step... 2.唧唧歪歪了半天,本来想问他们项目在公司的受重视程度的,不过我自己也不知道自己问的什么问题,反正他也没听懂,最后他就当作我是在问有什么职位,然后就说有很多职位,让我上他们招聘的网站看。 3.问了一下他感觉我可以对应他们哪个level? 说是 speciallist