1 TCP的开销
a ?连接协商三次握手,c->syn->s,s->syn ack->c, c->ack->s
b ?关闭协商四次握手,c->fin->s, s->ack-c,s->fin->c,c->ack->s
c ?保持数据有序,响应确认等计算开销
d ?网络拥塞引起的重试开销
2 使用知名端口初始化 serversocket可能需要超级权限。ServerSocket(int port, int backlog)参数backlog用来配置连接队列,在accept之前预先完成连接,加速连接TCP连接阶段,默认为50.
如果要提高吞吐量,可以通过设置更大的ServerSocket.setReceiveBufferSize来实现,但是必须在bind之前设置,也就是说要先调用无参构造,然后再调用ServerSocket.bind(SocketAddress endpoint)
3 网络io写操作,提高吞吐量较好的实践有使用java.io.BufferedOutputStream,作为缓冲,减少用户线程和内核线程的切换频率。缓冲区大小一般大于ServerSocket.setReceiveBufferSize。
4 避免对象流死锁,较好的实践是如果要在同一个socket上构建对象输入流和输出流,最好是先构造输出流,再构造输入流。
5 tcp半关闭,shut down output,完成后,对方的read收到eof,结束阻塞。
6 tcp关闭可以用socket.close,socket.getoutputstream.close,socket.getinputstream.close,较好的方式是调用socket.getoutpurtstream.close,它会把未flush的flush掉。三个方法只需调用其中一个即可。isClose方法只会告诉我们本地tcp是否关闭,但是不能告诉我们远程是否关闭。
7 socket read 设置timeout时间,防止无止境阻塞。一般来说,timeout时间会设定为预期时间的两倍。timeout时间设置只对之后的阻塞读有效。
8 每个socket都有send buffer和receive buffer,这个buffer在内核地址空间而非jvm。buffer的size由操作系统实现决定,一般来说是2kb。send buffer可以在tcp关闭前随时设定,通过java.net.Socket.setSendBufferSize(int)设置。但是size的设置只是一种hint,不是绝对值。size设得越大,减少网络写次数,减少拥塞控制,tcp效率、吞吐量越高,类似http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagle's_algorithm?原理。
一般设定为MSS的三倍;至少大于对方receive buffer;receive buffer也要设定大一点,不拖send buffer后腿;
buffersize(bits)=bandwidth(bits/sec)* delay(sec),有点类似于线程数量的控制,不让cpu闲下来。这边的白话是不让buffer空下来,随时处于最大填充状态。
9 nagle算法,为了提高网络传输效率,减少网络拥塞,延迟小包发送,组装为大包一起发送。默认为开,可以通过setTcpnodelay为true来关闭。一般来说,不会关闭,除非是需要实时交互的场景。另外如果真需要关闭,可以采用巧妙的方式,使用bufferedoutputstream,把buffer size设为大于最大请求或响应包,socket send buffer和receive buffer也设为此值,用一次操作写出请求或响应,bufferedoutputstream.flush,充分利用网络。
10 setlinger,用于关闭socket时,进行磨蹭,拖延。
11 keep alive,是个鸡肋。用于检测连接是否处于连接状态,检测对方是否active。它比较有争议,不是tcp协议的标准内容。另外检测需要消耗网络,当检测对方无反应,socket会被置为reset状态,不可读写。一般不推荐使用。
12 ?settrafficclass,设置流量类别,只是hint作用,具体效果取决于实现。有这些类别? IPTOS_LOWCOST (0x02),IPTOS_RELIABILITY (0x04),IPTOS_THROUGHPUT (0x08),IPTOS_LOWDELAY (0x10)
13 接口中文翻译http://hi.baidu.com/%EC%C5%BF%E1%D0%A1%B7%E5/blog/item/5d8e0f58aee147471038c29d.html
* ReliableDatagramSocket.java. * Copyright ? Esmond Pitt, 1997, 2005. All rights reserved. * Permission to use is granted provided this copyright * and permission notice is preserved. */ import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; // All times are expressed in seconds. // ReliabilityConstants interface, just defines constants. interface ReliabilityConstants { // Timeout minima/maxima public static final int MIN_RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT = 1; public static final int MAX_RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT = 64; // Maximum retransmissions per datagram, suggest 3 or 4. public static final int MAX_RETRANSMISSIONS = 4; } The D;; class manages current and smoothed round-trip timers and the related timeouts: // RoundTripTimer class. class RoundTripTimer implements ReliabilityConstants { float roundTripTime = 0.0f;// most recent RTT float smoothedTripTime = 0.0f;// smoothed RTT float deviation = 0.75f; // smoothed mean deviation short retransmissions = 0;// retransmit count: 0, 1, 2, … // current retransmit timeout float currentTimeout = minmax(calculateRetransmitTimeout()); /** @return the re-transmission timeout. */ private int calculateRetransmitTimeout() { return (int)(smoothedTripTime+4.0*deviation); } /** @return the bounded retransmission timeout. */ private float minmax(float rto) { return Math.min (Math.max(rto, MIN_RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT), MAX_RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT); } /** Called before each new packet is transmitted. */ void newPacket() { retransmissions = 0; } /** * @return the timeout for the packet. */ float currentTimeout() { return currentTimeout; } /** * Called straight after a successful receive. * Calculates the round-trip time, then updates the * smoothed round-trip time and the variance (deviation). * @param ms time in ms since starting the transmission. */ void stoppedAt(long ms) { // Calculate the round-trip time for this packet. roundTripTime = ms/1000; // Update our estimators of round-trip time // and its mean deviation. double delta = roundTripTime ? smoothedTripTime; smoothedTripTime += delta/8.0; deviation += (Math.abs(delta)-deviation)/4.0; // Recalculate the current timeout. currentTimeout = minmax(calculateRetransmitTimeout()); } /** * Called after a timeout has occurred. * @return true if it's time to give up, * false if we can retransmit. */ boolean isTimeout() { currentTimeout *= 2; // next retransmit timeout retransmissions++; return retransmissions > MAX_RETRANSMISSIONS; } } // RoundTripTimer class The D " class exports a D method like the ones we have already seen. // ReliableDatagramSocket class public class ReliableDatagramSocket extends DatagramSocket implements ReliabilityConstants { RoundTripTimer roundTripTimer = new RoundTripTimer(); private boolean reinit = false; private long sendSequenceNo = 0; // send sequence # private long recvSequenceNo = 0; // recv sequence # /* anonymous initialization for all constructors */ { init(); } /** * Construct a ReliableDatagramSocket * @param port Local port: reeive on any interface/address * @exception SocketException can't create the socket */ public ReliableDatagramSocket(int port) throws SocketException { super(port); } /** * Construct a ReliableDatagramSocket * @param port Local port * @param localAddr local interface address to use * @exception SocketException can't create the socket */ public ReliableDatagramSocket (int port, InetAddress localAddr) throws SocketException { super(port, localAddr); } /** * Construct a ReliableDatagramSocket, JDK >= 1.4. * @param localAddr local socket address to use * @exception SocketException can't create the socket */ public ReliableDatagramSocket(SocketAddress localAddr) throws SocketException { super(localAddr); } /** * Overrides DatagramSocket.connect(): * Does the connect, then (re-)initializes * the statistics for the connection. * @param dest Destination address * @param port Destination port */ public void connect(InetAddress dest, int port) { super.connect(dest, port); init(); } /** * Overrides JDK 1.4 DatagramSocket.connect(). * Does the connect, then (re-)initializes * the statistics for the connection. * @param dest Destination address */ public void connect(SocketAddress dest) { super.connect(dest); init(); } /** Initialize */ private void init() { this.roundTripTimer = new RoundTripTimer(); } /** * Send and receive reliably, * retrying adaptively with exponential backoff * until the response is received or timeout occurs. * @param sendPacket outgoing request datagram * @param recvPacket incoming reply datagram * @exception IOException on any error * @exception InterruptedIOException on timeout */ public synchronized void sendReceive (DatagramPacket sendPacket, DatagramPacket recvPacket) throws IOException, InterruptedIOException { // re-initialize after timeout if (reinit) { init(); reinit = false; } roundTripTimer.newPacket(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); long sequenceNumber = getSendSequenceNo(); // Loop until final timeout or some unexpected exception for (;;) { // keep using the same sequenceNumber while retrying setSendSequenceNo(sequenceNumber); send(sendPacket);// may throw int timeout = (int)(roundTripTimer.currentTimeout()*1000.0+0.5); long soTimeoutStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { for (;;) { // Adjust socket timeout for time already elapsed int soTimeout = timeout?(int) (System.currentTimeMillis()?soTimeoutStart); setSoTimeout(soTimeout); receive(recvPacket); long recvSequenceNumber = getRecvSequenceNo(); if (recvSequenceNumber == sequenceNumber) { // Got the correct reply: // stop timer, calculate new RTT values long ms = System.currentTimeMillis()-start; roundTripTimer.stoppedAt(ms); return; } } } catch (InterruptedIOException exc) { // timeout: retry? if (roundTripTimer.isTimeout()) { reinit = true; // rethrow InterruptedIOException to caller throw exc; } // else continue } // may throw other SocketException or IOException } // end re-transmit loop } // sendReceive() /** * @return the last received sequence number; * used by servers to obtain the reply sequenceNumber. */ public long getRecvSequenceNo() { return recvSequenceNo; } /** @return the last sent sequence number */ private long getSendSequenceNo() { return sendSequenceNo; } /** * Set the next send sequence number. * Used by servers to set the reply * sequenceNumber from the received packet: * . * socket.setSendSequenceNo(socket.getRecvSequenceNo()); * * @param sendSequenceNo Next sequence number to send. */ public void setSendSequenceNo(long sendSequenceNo) { this.sendSequenceNo = sendSequenceNo; } /** * override for DatagramSocket.receive: * handles the sequence number. * @param packet DatagramPacket * @exception IOException I/O error */ public void receive(DatagramPacket packet) throws IOException { super.receive(packet); // read sequence number and remove it from the packet ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream (packet.getData(), packet.getOffset(), packet.getLength()); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bais); recvSequenceNo = dis.readLong(); byte[] buffer = new byte[dis.available()]; dis.read(buffer); packet.setData(buffer,0,buffer.length); } /** * override for DatagramSocket.send: * handles the sequence number. * @param packet DatagramPacket * @exception IOException I/O error */ public void send(DatagramPacket packet) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStreambaos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStreamdos = new DataOutputStream(baos); // Write the sequence number, then the user data. dos.writeLong(sendSequenceNo++); dos.write (packet.getData(), packet.getOffset(), packet.getLength()); dos.flush(); // Construct a new packet with this new data and send it. byte[]data = baos.toByteArray(); packet = new DatagramPacket (data, baos.size(), packet.getAddress(), packet.getPort()); super.send(packet); } } // end of ReliableDatagramSocket class
public class ReliableEchoServer implements Runnable { ReliableDatagramSocket socket; byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; DatagramPacket recvPacket = new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length); ReliableEchoServer(int port) throws IOException { this.socket = new ReliableDatagramSocket(port); } public void run() { for (;;) { try { // Restore the receive length to the maximum recvPacket.setLength(buffer.length); socket.receive(recvPacket); // Reply must have same seqno as request long seqno = socket.getRecvSequenceNo(); socket.setSendSequenceNo(seqno); // Echo the request back as the response socket.send(recvPacket); } catch (IOException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } } // for (;;) } // run() } // class
UDP支持多播和广播(广播是一种特殊的多播,尽量不使用广播,广播产生更多没必要的网络流量),而TCP只支持单播。一般多播用于服务发现,如jini look up。多播与多次单播相比,好处是减少开销、减小网络流量、减少服务器负载,而且速度更快,并且接受者接收到消息的时间更接近,对于某些场景来说很重要。
(a) Software distribution
(b) Time services
(c) Naming services like
(d) Stock-market tickers, race results, and the like
(e) Database replication
(f) Video and audio streaming: video conferencing, movie shows, etc
(g) Multi-player gaming
(h) Distributed resource allocation
(i) Service discovery.
public void processSession(Socket socket) { receive(request); // process request and construct reply, not shown … send(reply); // close connection socket.close();// exception handling not shown }?
void processSession(Socket socket) { while (receive(request)) // i.e. while not end-of-stream { // process request and construct reply, not shown … send(reply); } // close connection socket.close();// exception handling not shown }?多次对话的连接释放方式,可以根据输入流的返回结果,或者遇到eof来关闭连接。 归结点 (a) On receipt of an end-of-stream when reading the connection. (b) If the request or the client is deemed invalid. (c) On detection of a read timeout or idle timeout on the connection. (d) After writing a reply
// Initialization - common to both ends static final int HEADER_LENGTH = 16; static final int BODY_LENGTH = 480; static final int TRAILER_LENGTH = 16; ByteBuffer header = ByteBuffer.allocate(HEADER_LENGTH); ByteBuffer body = ByteBuffer.allocate(BODY_LENGTH); ByteBuffer trailer = ByteBuffer.allocate(TRAILER_LENGTH); ByteBuffer[] buffers = new ByteBuffer[] { header, body, trailer }; // sending end - populate the buffers, not shown long count = channel.write(buffers); // repeat until all data sent // receiving end long count = channel.read(buffers); // repeat until all data read? 对于浏览器加载页面的过程,由于加载对交互顺序不敏感,所以client可以同时并发多个连接、多个线程并行从服务端获取数据