#!/usr/bin/env ruby # @auther xhan # @date sep19, 2010 # @website http://ixhan.com require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'rubygems' require 'json' def follow! # puts "usage: from_id to_id(not included)" and return unless ARGV.count == 2 #why not works? if ARGV.count != 2 puts "usage: from_id to_id(not included)" return end from,to = ARGV from,to = from.to_i,to = to.to_i - 1 total = to - from + 1 puts "wrong argus" and return if total < 0 puts "=== Task starts at duration [#{from},#{to}]" http = Net::HTTP.new('t.baidu.com') path = '/follow/setfollow?rn=56.392819142620596' headers = { 'Cookie' => "YOUR COOKIES HERE", 'Referer' => 'http://t.baidu.com/', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' # X-Request-By baidu.ajax } # {"status":-1,"msg":"已经关注了"} # {"status":-1,"msg":"该用户不存在或者帐号异常"} # status = 1 => success successed = 0 start_time = Time.now (from..to).each do |uid| data = "&uid=#{uid}&t=t" resp, data = http.post(path, data, headers) # puts 'Code = ' + resp.code + ' Msg = ' + resp.message # resp.each {|key, val| puts key + ' = ' + val} puts "uid #{uid}: data:#{data}" json = JSON.parse(data) successed += 1 if json['status'].to_i == 1 end end_time = Time.now puts "=== Task finished ==============" puts "time: #{end_time-start_time}" puts "followed:#{successed}" puts "failed:#{total - successed}" puts "================================" end follow!
# puts "usage: from_id to_id(not included)" and return unless ARGV.count == 2 #why not works?这句话的 return 不管用?