class="sql">/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlbinlog -v --start-datetime='2018-12-26 17:55:00' --stop-datetime='2018-12-26 17:57:00' logs/mysql-bin.000004 >/tmp/tmp.sql
### UPDATE `user_currency` ### WHERE ### @1=15 ### @2=203 ### @3=17 ### @4=318.2131053694 ### @5=287.7714971818 ### @6=30.4416081876 ### @7='2018-12-26 17:39:57' ### SET ### @1=15 ### @2=203 ### @3=17 ### @4=348.4720639080 ### @5=318.0304557204 ### @6=30.4416081876 ### @7='2018-12-26 17:39:57' # at 14487394
?update user_currency set available_money = available_money + ?, where user_id = ? and currency_id = ?
update user_currency set available_money = available_money + ?, where user_id = ? and currency_id = ? update user_currency set available_money = available_money + ?, where user_id = ? and currency_id = ? update user_currency set available_money = available_money + ?, where user_id = ? and currency_id = ? 对应参数分别是: 0E-20(BigDecimal), 49(Long), 17(Long), 2.7377658553(BigDecimal), 49(Long), 4(Long) 23.30465650830011440000(BigDecimal),59(Long), 17(Long) 0(BigDecimal), 59(Long), 4(Long)