使用Docker部署Redis环境。由于本机操作系统windows 10 专业版,所以使用 docker for windows(下载)
由于大波浪操作系统是Win 10 所以使用Docker for Windows (下载)
Docker for Windows 安装需要满足以下条件
安装成功后任务栏会出现小鲸鱼的图标,打开Hyper-V 管理器发现多出一个虚拟机,Docker就是在这个虚拟机中。
首先设置共享目录(Shared Drivers),为Docker容器与宿主机实现目录共享,Docker中叫做volume。
然后设置Docker Hub 镜像站,我用的是阿里云。如何配置参考我的另一篇博客
打开PowerShell输入docker version 出现下图信息恭喜你安装成功。
Docker 镜像(Image)就是一个只读的模板。
例如:一个镜像可以包含一个完整的 ubuntu 操作系统环境,里面仅安装了 Redis 或用户需要的其它应用程序。
镜像可以用来创建 Docker 容器。
Docker 提供了一个很简单的机制来创建镜像或者更新现有的镜像,用户甚至可以 直接从其他人那里下载一个已经做好的镜像来直接使用。
Docker 利用容器(Container)来运行应用,比如 本篇Redis主从,哨兵都是部署在不同的容器中。
容器是从镜像创建的运行实例。它可以被启动、开始、停止、删除。每个容器都是 相互隔离的、保证安全的平台。
可以把容器看做是一个简易版的 linux 环境(包括root用户权限、进程空间、用户 空间和网络空间等)和运行在其中的应用程序。
仓库(Repository)是集中存放镜像文件的场所。有时候会把仓库和仓库注册服务 器(Registry)混为一谈,并不严格区分。实际上,仓库注册服务器上往往存放着 多个仓库,每个仓库中又包含了多个镜像,每个镜像有不同的标签(tag)。
最大的公开仓库是 Docker Hub,存放了数量庞大的镜像供用户下载。
国内的公开仓库包括 时速云 、网易云 等,可以提供大陆用户更稳定快速的访问。
当用户创建了自己的镜像之后就可以使用 push 命令将它上传到公有或者私有仓 库,这样下次在另外一台机器上使用这个镜像时候,只需要从仓库上 pull 下来 就可以了。
*注:Docker 仓库的概念跟 Git 类似,注册服务器可以理解为 GitHub 这样的托管服 务。
Redis slave 从服务器配置
# slaveof <masterip> <masterport>, masterip是主服务器ip,masterport为主服务器端口。
试验中将slave的配置文件修改成 修改成 slaveof redis-master 6379
Redis sentinel 哨兵服务器配置
1 #常规配置: 2 port 26379 3 daemonize yes 4 logfile "/var/log/redis/sentinel.log" 5 6 sentinel monitor mymaster redis-master 6379 2 #配置master名、ip、port、需要多少个sentinel才能判断[客观下线] 7 sentinel down-after-milliseconds mymaster 30000 #配置sentinel向master发出ping,最大响应时间、超过则认为主观下线 8 sentinel parallel-syncs mymaster 1 #配置在进行故障转移时,运行多少个slave进行数据备份同步(越少速度越快) 9 sentinel failover-timeout mymaster 180000 #配置当出现failover时下一个sentinel与上一个sentinel对[同一个master监测的时间间隔](最后设置为客观下线)
dos2unix.exe 用于将windows 脚本 转换成 unix 下的脚本。主要转换sentinel-entrypoint.sh文件用的。
首先看下docker-compose.yml 文件
1 master: 2 image: redis:4 3 ports: 4 - 7010:6379 5 slave: 6 image: redis:4 7 command: redis-server --slaveof redis-master 6379 8 ports: 9 - 7011:6379 10 links: 11 - master:redis-master 12 sentinel: 13 build: sentinel 14 environment: 15 - SENTINEL_QUORUM =2 16 - SENTINEL_DOWN_AFTER=5000 17 - SENTINEL_FAILOVER=5000 18 links: 19 - master:redis-master 20 - slave
docker-compose.yml 文件定义了三个服务,master 为主服务,slave为从服务,sentinel为哨兵服务,都是基于redis 4.0镜像,
master:redis 主服务,对外公开的端口为7010 如果你在外部使用 Redis Dasktop这种工具通过7010端口就可以连接了。
slave:redis 从服务,对外公开端口为7011.同时通过links链接到 master容器实现容器间的通信。
sentinel:哨兵服务,使用Dockfile方式构建镜像,同时链接 master 和 slave容器。
1 FROM redis:4 2 3 MAINTAINER dabolang 4 5 EXPOSE 26379 6 ADD sentinel.conf /etc/redis/sentinel.conf 7 RUN chown redis:redis /etc/redis/sentinel.conf 8 ENV SENTINEL_QUORUM 2 9 ENV SENTINEL_DOWN_AFTER 30000 10 ENV SENTINEL_FAILOVER 180000 11 12 COPY /usr/local/bin/ 13 RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ 14 15 ENTRYPOINT [""] 16DockerFile
1 # Example sentinel.conf can be downloaded from 2 # $SENTINEL_QUORUM 2 判断Sentinel失效的数量,超过failover才会执行 3 # $SENTINEL_DOWN_AFTER 5000 指定了Sentinel认为Redis实例已经失效所需的毫秒数 4 # $SENTINEL_FAILOVER 5000 如果在该时间(ms)内未能完成failover操作,则认为该failover失败 5 6 #======================================================================================= 7 # 监听端口号 8 #======================================================================================= 9 port 26379 10 11 #======================================================================================= 12 # Sentinel服务运行时使用的临时文件夹 13 #======================================================================================= 14 dir /tmp 15 16 #======================================================================================= 17 # Sentinel去监视一个名为mymaster的主redis实例, 18 # 这个主实例的为Docker,redis-master容器(也可以是IP),端口号为6379, 19 # 主实例判断为失效至少需要$SENTINEL_QUORUM个Sentinel进程的同意,只要同意Sentinel的数量不达标,自动failover就不会执行 20 # sentinel monitor mymaster redis-master 6379 2 21 #======================================================================================= 22 sentinel monitor mymaster redis-master 6379 $SENTINEL_QUORUM 23 24 #======================================================================================= 25 # 指定了Sentinel认为Redis实例已经失效所需的毫秒数$SENTINEL_DOWN_AFTER,默认是30000毫秒。 26 # 当实例超过该时间没有返回PING,或者直接返回错误,那么Sentinel将这个实例标记为主观下线。 27 # 只有一个Sentinel进程将实例标记为主观下线并不一定会引起实例的自动故障迁移:只有在足够数量的Sentinel都将一个实例标记为主观下线之后,实例才会被标记为客观下线,这时自动故障迁移才会执行 28 # sentinel down-after-milliseconds mymaster 30000 29 #======================================================================================= 30 sentinel down-after-milliseconds mymaster $SENTINEL_DOWN_AFTER 31 32 #======================================================================================= 33 # 指定了在执行故障转移时,最多可以有多少个从Redis实例在同步新的主实例, 34 # 在从Redis实例较多的情况下这个数字越小,同步的时间越长,完成故障转移所需的时间就越长 35 #======================================================================================= 36 sentinel parallel-syncs mymaster 1 37 38 #======================================================================================= 39 # 如果在该时间(ms)内未能完成failover操作,则认为该failover失败 40 # sentinel failover-timeout mymaster 180000 41 #======================================================================================= 42 sentinel failover-timeout mymaster $SENTINEL_FAILOVER 43 44 #指定sentinel检测到该监控的redis实例指向的实例异常时,调用的报警脚本。该配置项可选,但是很常用 45 # Example: 46 # 47 # sentinel notification-script mymaster /var/redis/notify.shsentinel.conf 脚本通过配置的ENV环境变量替换sentinel.conf中的参数,最后通过exec 命令启动哨兵服务。
1 #!/bin/sh 2 3 sed -i "s/\$SENTINEL_QUORUM/$SENTINEL_QUORUM/g" /etc/redis/sentinel.conf 4 sed -i "s/\$SENTINEL_DOWN_AFTER/$SENTINEL_DOWN_AFTER/g" /etc/redis/sentinel.conf 5 sed -i "s/\$SENTINEL_FAILOVER/$SENTINEL_FAILOVER/g" /etc/redis/sentinel.conf 6 7 exec redis-server /etc/redis/sentinel.conf --sentinel
通过以上配置完整的docker-compose.yml 模板就制作完成了,别急还差最后一步。
PowerShell 中进入放置docker-compose.yml的目录redis,输入build命令 重建镜像。
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
打开kitematic 或者 输入 docker ps –a 看到我们生成的容器了吧。
我们通过Redis Manager 就可以链接了。
接下来我们测试下主从是否成功。链接主服务器,输入 set master ok 命令插入一条记录。
从服务器 输入 get master 获取值为ok,主从复制成功。
主从配置成功了,我们发现只创建了一个redis_sentinel_1 哨兵容器,我们至少需要3台才能完成切换。
我们通过 docker-compose scale sentinel=3 命令创建 3个sentinel容器。
我们在从服务器中输入info Replication 命令查看到 role:slave 并且master主机ip为内部ip)
现在模拟master主服务器宕机,选中redis_master_1点击STOP按钮,日志中我们看到 在08:53:15时刻关闭主服务器
我们在salve中输入info Replication命令,查看下该服务是不是上升为master服务了.
role:master,同时connected_saves:0 说明有0个从服务器。
如果部署中遇到问题,又修改了,记得先用docker-compose build 命令 再使用docker-compose up命令
首先修改Web.config文件 将 RedisCaching 节点 Enabled设置为True。
<RedisCaching Enabled="true" ConnectionString="localhost:7010,localhost:7011" />
在Nop.Core项目Caching下拷贝RedisCacheManager.cs 和 RedisConnectionWrapper.cs,
RedisMSCacheManager类中修改RemoveByPattern 和 Clear 方法,添加 if (server.IsConnected == false || server.IsSlave == true) continue;代码判断服务器是否连接是否是从服务。
1 using System; 2 using System.Text; 3 using Newtonsoft.Json; 4 using Nop.Core.Configuration; 5 using Nop.Core.Infrastructure; 6 using StackExchange.Redis; 7 using System.Linq; 8 9 namespace Nop.Core.Caching 10 { 11 /// <summary> 12 /// 命名空间:Nop.Core.Caching 13 /// 名 称:RedisMSCacheManager 14 /// 功 能: 15 /// 详 细: 16 /// 版 本: 17 /// 文件名称:RedisMSCacheManager.cs 18 /// 创建时间:2017-08-29 03:15 19 /// 修改时间:2017-08-30 05:28 20 /// 作 者:大波浪 21 /// 联系方式: 22 /// 说 明: 23 /// </summary> 24 public partial class RedisMSCacheManager : ICacheManager 25 { 26 #region Fields 27 private readonly IRedisConnectionWrapper _connectionWrapper; 28 private readonly IDatabase _db; 29 private readonly ICacheManager _perRequestCacheManager; 30 31 #endregion 32 33 #region Ctor 34 35 public RedisMSCacheManager(NopConfig config, IRedisConnectionWrapper connectionWrapper) 36 { 37 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(config.RedisCachingConnectionString)) 38 throw new Exception("Redis connection string is empty"); 39 40 // ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect should only be called once and shared between callers 41 this._connectionWrapper = connectionWrapper; 42 43 this._db = _connectionWrapper.GetDatabase(); 44 this._perRequestCacheManager = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<ICacheManager>(); 45 } 46 47 #endregion 48 49 #region Utilities 50 51 protected virtual byte[] Serialize(object item) 52 { 53 var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item); 54 return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString); 55 } 56 protected virtual T Deserialize<T>(byte[] serializedObject) 57 { 58 if (serializedObject == null) 59 return default(T); 60 61 var jsonString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(serializedObject); 62 return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(jsonString); 63 } 64 65 #endregion 66 67 #region Methods 68 69 /// <summary> 70 /// Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key. 71 /// </summary> 72 /// <typeparam name="T">Type</typeparam> 73 /// <param name="key">The key of the value to get.</param> 74 /// <returns>The value associated with the specified key.</returns> 75 public virtual T Get<T>(string key) 76 { 77 //little performance workaround here: 78 //we use "PerRequestCacheManager" to cache a loaded object in memory for the current HTTP request. 79 //this way we won't connect to Redis server 500 times per HTTP request (e.g. each time to load a locale or setting) 80 if (_perRequestCacheManager.IsSet(key)) 81 return _perRequestCacheManager.Get<T>(key); 82 83 var rValue = _db.StringGet(key); 84 if (!rValue.HasValue) 85 return default(T); 86 var result = Deserialize<T>(rValue); 87 88 _perRequestCacheManager.Set(key, result, 0); 89 return result; 90 } 91 92 /// <summary> 93 /// Adds the specified key and object to the cache. 94 /// </summary> 95 /// <param name="key">key</param> 96 /// <param name="data">Data</param> 97 /// <param name="cacheTime">Cache time</param> 98 public virtual void Set(string key, object data, int cacheTime) 99 { 100 if (data == null) 101 return; 102 103 var entryBytes = Serialize(data); 104 var expiresIn = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(cacheTime); 105 _db.StringSet(key, entryBytes, expiresIn); 106 } 107 108 /// <summary> 109 /// Gets a value indicating whether the value associated with the specified key is cached 110 /// </summary> 111 /// <param name="key">key</param> 112 /// <returns>Result</returns> 113 public virtual bool IsSet(string key) 114 { 115 //little performance workaround here: 116 //we use "PerRequestCacheManager" to cache a loaded object in memory for the current HTTP request. 117 //this way we won't connect to Redis server 500 times per HTTP request (e.g. each time to load a locale or setting) 118 if (_perRequestCacheManager.IsSet(key)) 119 return true; 120 121 return _db.KeyExists(key); 122 } 123 124 /// <summary> 125 /// Removes the value with the specified key from the cache 126 /// </summary> 127 /// <param name="key">/key</param> 128 public virtual void Remove(string key) 129 { 130 _db.KeyDelete(key); 131 _perRequestCacheManager.Remove(key); 132 } 133 134 /// <summary> 135 /// Removes items by pattern 136 /// </summary> 137 /// <param name="pattern">pattern</param> 138 public virtual void RemoveByPattern(string pattern) 139 { 140 foreach (var ep in _connectionWrapper.GetEndPoints()) 141 { 142 var server = _connectionWrapper.GetServer(ep); 143 if (server.IsConnected == false || server.IsSlave == true) continue; 144 var keys = server.Keys(database: _db.Database, pattern: "*" + pattern + "*"); 145 foreach (var key in keys) 146 Remove(key); 147 } 148 } 149 150 /// <summary> 151 /// Clear all cache data 152 /// </summary> 153 public virtual void Clear() 154 { 155 foreach (var ep in _connectionWrapper.GetEndPoints()) 156 { 157 var server = _connectionWrapper.GetServer(ep); 158 if (server.IsConnected == false|| server.IsSlave==true) continue; 159 //we can use the code below (commented) 160 //but it requires administration permission - ",allowAdmin=true" 161 //server.FlushDatabase(); 162 163 //that's why we simply interate through all elements now 164 var keys = server.Keys(database: _db.Database); 165 foreach (var key in keys) 166 Remove(key); 167 } 168 } 169 170 /// <summary> 171 /// Dispose 172 /// </summary> 173 public virtual void Dispose() 174 { 175 //if (_connectionWrapper != null) 176 // _connectionWrapper.Dispose(); 177 } 178 179 #endregion 180 181 } 182 } 183RedisMSCacheManager 完整代码
修改PerformActionWithLock方法 我们将RedLock实现的分布式锁改成StackExchange.Redis的LockTake来实现。
1 using System; 2 using System.Linq; 3 using System.Net; 4 using Nop.Core.Configuration; 5 using RedLock; 6 using StackExchange.Redis; 7 8 namespace Nop.Core.Caching 9 { 10 /// <summary> 11 /// 命名空间:Nop.Core.Caching 12 /// 名 称:RedisMSConnectionWrapper 13 /// 功 能: 14 /// 详 细: 15 /// 版 本: 16 /// 文件名称:RedisMSConnectionWrapper.cs 17 /// 创建时间:2017-08-28 08:32 18 /// 修改时间:2017-08-29 04:39 19 /// 作 者:大波浪 20 /// 联系方式: 21 /// 说 明: 22 /// </summary> 23 /// <summary> 24 /// Redis connection wrapper implementation 25 /// </summary> 26 public class RedisMSConnectionWrapper : IRedisConnectionWrapper 27 { 28 #region Fields 29 30 private readonly NopConfig _config; 31 private readonly Lazy<string> _connectionString; 32 33 private volatile ConnectionMultiplexer _connection; 34 private readonly object _lock = new object(); 35 36 #endregion 37 38 #region Ctor 39 40 public RedisMSConnectionWrapper(NopConfig config) 41 { 42 this._config = config; 43 this._connectionString = new Lazy<string>(GetConnectionString); 44 } 45 46 #endregion 47 48 #region Utilities 49 50 /// <summary> 51 /// Get connection string to Redis cache from configuration 52 /// </summary> 53 /// <returns></returns> 54 protected string GetConnectionString() 55 { 56 return _config.RedisCachingConnectionString; 57 } 58 59 /// <summary> 60 /// Get connection to Redis servers 61 /// </summary> 62 /// <returns></returns> 63 protected ConnectionMultiplexer GetConnection() 64 { 65 if (_connection != null && _connection.IsConnected) return _connection; 66 67 lock (_lock) 68 { 69 if (_connection != null && _connection.IsConnected) return _connection; 70 71 if (_connection != null) 72 { 73 //Connection disconnected. Disposing connection... 74 _connection.Dispose(); 75 } 76 77 //Creating new instance of Redis Connection 78 string configuration = _connectionString.Value; 79 var config = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(configuration); 80 _connection = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(config); 81 // _connection = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(_connectionString.Value); 82 } 83 84 return _connection; 85 } 86 87 ///// <summary> 88 ///// Create instance of RedisLockFactory 89 ///// </summary> 90 ///// <returns>RedisLockFactory</returns> 91 //protected RedisLockFactory CreateRedisLockFactory() 92 //{ 93 // //get password and value whether to use ssl from connection string 94 // var password = string.Empty; 95 // var useSsl = false; 96 // foreach (var option in GetConnectionString().Split(',').Where(option => option.Contains('='))) 97 // { 98 // switch (option.Substring(0, option.IndexOf('=')).Trim().ToLowerInvariant()) 99 // { 100 // case "password": 101 // password = option.Substring(option.IndexOf('=') + 1).Trim(); 102 // break; 103 // case "ssl": 104 // bool.TryParse(option.Substring(option.IndexOf('=') + 1).Trim(), out useSsl); 105 // break; 106 // } 107 // } 108 109 // //create RedisLockFactory for using Redlock distributed lock algorithm 110 // return new RedisLockFactory(GetEndPoints().Select(endPoint => new RedisLockEndPoint 111 // { 112 // EndPoint = endPoint, 113 // Password = password, 114 // Ssl = useSsl 115 // })); 116 //} 117 118 #endregion 119 120 #region Methods 121 122 /// <summary> 123 /// Obtain an interactive connection to a database inside redis 124 /// </summary> 125 /// <param name="db">Database number; pass null to use the default value</param> 126 /// <returns>Redis cache database</returns> 127 public IDatabase GetDatabase(int? db = null) 128 { 129 return GetConnection().GetDatabase(db ?? -1); //_settings.DefaultDb); 130 } 131 132 /// <summary> 133 /// Obtain a configuration API for an individual server 134 /// </summary> 135 /// <param name="endPoint">The network endpoint</param> 136 /// <returns>Redis server</returns> 137 public IServer GetServer(EndPoint endPoint) 138 { 139 return GetConnection().GetServer(endPoint); 140 } 141 142 /// <summary> 143 /// Gets all endpoints defined on the server 144 /// </summary> 145 /// <returns>Array of endpoints</returns> 146 public EndPoint[] GetEndPoints() 147 { 148 return GetConnection().GetEndPoints(); 149 } 150 151 /// <summary> 152 /// Delete all the keys of the database 153 /// </summary> 154 /// <param name="db">Database number; pass null to use the default value<</param> 155 public void FlushDatabase(int? db = null) 156 { 157 var endPoints = GetEndPoints(); 158 159 foreach (var endPoint in endPoints) 160 { 161 var server = GetServer(endPoint); 162 if(server.IsConnected) server.FlushDatabase(db ?? -1); //_settings.DefaultDb); 163 } 164 } 165 166 /// <summary> 167 /// 分布式锁 168 /// </summary> 169 /// <param name="resource">The thing we are locking on</param> 170 /// <param name="expirationTime">The time after which the lock will automatically be expired by Redis</param> 171 /// <param name="action">Action to be performed with locking</param> 172 /// <returns>True if lock was acquired and action was performed; otherwise false</returns> 173 public bool PerformActionWithLock(string resource, TimeSpan expirationTime, Action action) 174 { 175 RedisValue lockToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //Environment.MachineName; 176 RedisKey locKey = resource; 177 var db = GetDatabase(); 178 if (db.LockTake(locKey, lockToken, expirationTime)) 179 { 180 try 181 { 182 action(); 183 } 184 finally 185 { 186 db.LockRelease(locKey, lockToken); 187 } 188 return true; 189 } 190 else 191 { 192 return false; 193 } 194 195 } 196 197 /// <summary> 198 /// Release all resources associated with this object 199 /// </summary> 200 public void Dispose() 201 { 202 //dispose ConnectionMultiplexer 203 if (_connection != null) 204 _connection.Dispose(); 205 } 206 207 #endregion 208 } 209 }RedisMSConnectionWrapper 完整代码
if (config.RedisCachingEnabled)
// builder.RegisterType<RedisConnectionWrapper>().As<IRedisConnectionWrapper>().SingleInstance();
1 using System; 2 using System.Configuration; 3 using System.Net.Sockets; 4 using System.Threading; 5 using System.Threading.Tasks; 6 using Nop.Core.Caching; 7 using Nop.Core.Configuration; 8 using Nop.Tests; 9 using NUnit.Framework; 10 using StackExchange.Redis; 11 12 namespace Nop.Core.Tests.Caching 13 { 14 [TestFixture] 15 public class RedisMSCacheManagerTests 16 { 17 private NopConfig _nopConfig; 18 private RedisMSCacheManager cacheManager; 19 private RedisMSConnectionWrapper _redisMSConnectionWrapper; 20 [SetUp] 21 public void SetUp() 22 { 23 _nopConfig = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("NopConfig") as NopConfig; 24 cacheManager = new RedisMSCacheManager(_nopConfig, new RedisMSConnectionWrapper(_nopConfig)); 25 _redisMSConnectionWrapper = new RedisMSConnectionWrapper(_nopConfig); 26 } 27 28 [Test] 29 public void Set_Cache_Test() 30 { 31 int i = 0; 32 while (i < 150) 33 { 34 var key = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh-mm-ss"); 35 try 36 { 37 cacheManager.Set(key, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(), 600000); 38 var ok = "true"; 39 Console.WriteLine(key + ":" + ok); 40 } 41 catch (Exception) 42 { 43 Console.WriteLine("出错了:" + key); 44 } 45 46 Thread.Sleep(500); 47 i++; 48 } 49 var a = 2; 50 } 51 [Test] 52 public void Can_set_and_get_object_from_cache() 53 { 54 cacheManager.Set("some_key_1", 3, int.MaxValue); 55 56 cacheManager.Get<int>("some_key_1").ShouldEqual(3); 57 } 58 [Test] 59 public void Can_validate_whetherobject_is_cached() 60 { 61 cacheManager.Set("some_key_1", 3, int.MaxValue); 62 cacheManager.Set("some_key_2", 4, int.MaxValue); 63 64 cacheManager.IsSet("some_key_1").ShouldEqual(true); 65 cacheManager.IsSet("some_key_3").ShouldEqual(false); 66 } 67 68 [Test] 69 public void Can_clear_cache() 70 { 71 cacheManager.Set("some_key_1", 3, int.MaxValue); 72 73 cacheManager.Clear(); 74 75 cacheManager.IsSet("some_key_1").ShouldEqual(false); 76 } 77 [Test] 78 public void TestLock() 79 { 80 81 RedisKey _lockKey = "lock_key"; 82 var _lockDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30); 83 var mainTask=new Task(()=>_redisMSConnectionWrapper.PerformActionWithLock(_lockKey, _lockDuration, () => 84 { 85 Console.WriteLine("1.执行锁内任务-开始"); 86 Thread.Sleep(10000); 87 Console.WriteLine("1.执行锁内任务-结束"); 88 })); 89 mainTask.Start(); 90 Thread.Sleep(1000); 91 var subOk = true; 92 while (subOk) 93 { 94 _redisMSConnectionWrapper.PerformActionWithLock(_lockKey, _lockDuration, () => 95 { 96 Console.WriteLine("2.执行锁内任务-开始"); 97 Console.WriteLine("2.执行锁内任务-结束"); 98 subOk = false; 99 }); 100 Thread.Sleep(1000); 101 } 102 Console.WriteLine("结束"); 103 } 104 105 } 106 } 107RedisMSCacheManagerTests 完整代码
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 2 <configuration> 3 <configSections> 4 <section name="NopConfig" type="Nop.Core.Configuration.NopConfig, Nop.Core" requirePermission="false" /> 5 </configSections> 6 <NopConfig> 7 <RedisCaching Enabled="true" ConnectionString="localhost:7010,localhost:7011" /> 8 </NopConfig> 9 <startup><supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" /></startup> 10 <runtime> 11 <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> 12 <dependentAssembly> 13 <assemblyIdentity name="Autofac" publicKeyToken="17863af14b0044da" culture="neutral" /> 14 <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" /> 15 </dependentAssembly> 16 <dependentAssembly> 17 <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Mvc" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" /> 18 <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" /> 19 </dependentAssembly> 20 <dependentAssembly> 21 <assemblyIdentity name="StackExchange.Redis.StrongName" publicKeyToken="c219ff1ca8c2ce46" culture="neutral" /> 22 <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" /> 23 </dependentAssembly> 24 </assemblyBinding> 25 </runtime> 26 </configuration> 27App.config 完整代码
下图为测试中结果,当关闭redis 主服务器时出现异常,然后下一秒就恢复了,证明主备切换正常。