本文是利用C# 实现中国象棋的棋盘绘制,以及初始化布局,并不实现中国象棋的对弈逻辑。仅供学习参考使用。
class="code_img_closed" src="/Upload/Images/2017080403/0015B68B3C38AA5B.gif" alt="">1 protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) 2 { 3 base.OnPaint(e); 4 5 //初始化数组 6 InitArrPieceInfo(); 7 8 Graphics g = e.Graphics; 9 int width = this.Width; 10 int height = this.Height; 11 int padding = this.Padding.All * 20; 12 int center = height / 2;//垂直中心位置 13 int s_width = (width - 2 * padding) / 8;//每一条横线的间距 14 int s_heigth = (height - 2 * padding) / 9;//每一条竖线的间距 15 int start_x = padding;//起始位置 16 int start_y = padding;//起始位置 17 Pen pen = new Pen(Brushes.Black, 1.5f); 18 Dictionary<string, string[]> dicNums = new Dictionary<string, string[]>(); 19 dicNums.Add("up", new string[9] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" }); 20 dicNums.Add("down", new string[9] { "九", "八", "七", "六", "五", "四", "三", "二", "一" }); 21 Font font = new Font("宋体", 12, FontStyle.Regular); 22 for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) 23 { 24 //竖线九条 25 Point p0 = new Point(start_x + i * s_width, start_y); 26 Point p1 = new Point(start_x + i * s_width, start_y + (s_heigth * 4)); 27 Point p2 = new Point(start_x + i * s_width, start_y + (s_heigth * 5)); 28 Point p3 = new Point(start_x + i * s_width, start_y + (s_heigth * 9)); 29 g.DrawLine(pen, p0, p1); 30 g.DrawLine(pen, p2, p3); 31 //上下的文字 32 Point p_up = new Point(start_x + i * s_width - 5, padding / 2); 33 Point p_down = new Point(start_x + i * s_width - 5, start_y + (s_heigth * 9) + padding / 3); 34 g.DrawString(dicNums["up"][i], font, Brushes.Black, p_up); 35 g.DrawString(dicNums["down"][i], font, Brushes.Black, p_down); 36 //数组赋值 37 for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) 38 { 39 Point absLocation = ArrPiece[i, j].AbsoluteLocation; 40 absLocation.X = start_x + i * s_width; 41 ArrPiece[i, j].AbsoluteLocation = absLocation; 42 } 43 } 44 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) 45 { 46 //横线十条 47 Point p0 = new Point(start_x, start_y + i * s_heigth); 48 Point p1 = new Point(start_x + s_width * 8, start_y + i * s_heigth); 49 g.DrawLine(pen, p0, p1); 50 //数组赋值 51 for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) 52 { 53 Point absLocation = ArrPiece[j, i].AbsoluteLocation; 54 absLocation.Y = start_y + i * s_heigth; 55 ArrPiece[j, i].AbsoluteLocation = absLocation; 56 } 57 } 58 //绘制九宫格 59 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) 60 { 61 Point p0 = new Point(start_x + (3 + i * 2) * s_width, start_y); 62 Point p1 = new Point(start_x + (5 - i * 2) * s_width, start_y + (s_heigth * 2)); 63 Point p2 = new Point(start_x + (3 + i * 2) * s_width, start_y + (s_heigth * 7)); 64 Point p3 = new Point(start_x + (5 - i * 2) * s_width, start_y + (s_heigth * 9)); 65 g.DrawLine(pen, p0, p1); 66 g.DrawLine(pen, p2, p3); 67 } 68 69 //兵和卒处有拐角,从左往右 70 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) 71 { 72 int p_x = start_x + 2 * i * s_width; 73 int p_y = start_y + 3 * s_heigth; 74 DrawCorner(g, pen, p_x, p_y);//兵 75 p_y = start_y + 6 * s_heigth; 76 DrawCorner(g, pen, p_x, p_y);//卒 77 } 78 //炮处的拐角,从左往右 79 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) 80 { 81 int p_x = start_x + (1 + 6 * i) * s_width; 82 int p_y = start_y + 2 * s_heigth; 83 DrawCorner(g, pen, p_x, p_y);//炮 84 p_y = start_y + 7 * s_heigth; 85 DrawCorner(g, pen, p_x, p_y);//炮 86 } 87 //绘制楚河汉界 88 Point p_0 = new Point(2 * s_width, center - 25); 89 Point p_1 = new Point(7 * s_width, center + 20); 90 font = new Font("方正隶二繁体", 30, FontStyle.Regular); 91 g.DrawString("楚河", font, Brushes.Black, p_0); 92 Matrix mtxSave = g.Transform; 93 Matrix mtxRotate = g.Transform; 94 mtxRotate.RotateAt(180, p_1); 95 g.Transform = mtxRotate; 96 g.DrawString("汉界", font, Brushes.Black, p_1); 97 g.Transform = mtxSave; 98 //绘制外边框 99 g.DrawRectangle(pen, 3, 3, width - 6, height - 6); 100 g.DrawRectangle(pen, 5, 5, width - 10, height - 10); 101 g.DrawRectangle(pen, 7, 7, width - 14, height - 14); 102 }logs_code_collapse">View Code
1 protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) 2 { 3 base.OnPaint(e); 4 Graphics g = e.Graphics; 5 GraphicsPath gPath = new GraphicsPath(); 6 // Set a new rectangle to the same size as the button's ClientRectangle property. 7 Rectangle rectangle = this.ClientRectangle; 8 g.DrawEllipse(new Pen(this.FlatAppearance.BorderColor), rectangle); 9 gPath.AddEllipse(rectangle); 10 11 // Set the button's Region property to the newly created circle region. 12 this.Region = new Region(gPath); 13 Rectangle inRect = new Rectangle(2, 2, this.Width - 4, this.Height - 3); 14 g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(this.BackColor), rectangle); 15 g.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Black,2), inRect); 16 17 Font font = new Font("楷体", 25, FontStyle.Regular); 18 g.DrawString(this.Text, font, new SolidBrush(this.ForeColor), 0,5); 19 }View Code